Note This project is still active, however this repository is archived and the source is moved into a private repository. The unmangled source code is still available publically and published as part of the npm package contents.
The Rebilly JS SDK library allows you to consume the Rebilly API using either Node or the browser.
If you need to handle raw payment card data, you should use Rebilly FramePay to generate tokens for your server-side logic.
This library is a semantic representation of the Rebilly API definition.
The definition includes SDK examples for each API operation, listed under Request samples.
Instructions for installing and using the JS SDK can be found in the Rebilly Docs
This project is released by creating a GitHub release.
To create a release:
- Go to the Releases page.
- Click "Draft a new release".
- Click "Choose a tag" and enter the new version number in the format:
.- Ensure that your new tag is following semver.
- After you have typed your new version tag, you should see "Create new tag: vX.X.X on publish" appear in the dropdown, click this.
- Leave target set to
. - Enter the release title in the format:
vX.X.X: Summary
. - In the summary, include a description of the changes since the previous release. This can be generated by clicking "Auto-generate release notes".
- Click "Publish release" to publish the release.
This process will:
- Trigger a new workflow run.
- Bump the
version to your new version, and commit that tomain
. - Build and publish the package to npm.
Build development dist
folder without sourcemap
npm run build:dev
Build release dist
folder with sourcemap (release)
npm run build:prod
Run all unit tests
npm run unit
Watch unit tests and re-run on change
npm run unit:watch
Generate coverage report
npm run coverage
Check that the generated typescript type file is valid (note: you should build the types first, by using either npm run ts:bundle-types-from-redocly
or ts:bundle-types-from-local
npm run test:check-build-types
Types are automatically created because npm run ts:bundle-types-from-redocly
is called as part of npm run build:prod
But if you want to test TS types before the related api-definitions
have been merged into main, you can run:
npm run ts:bundle-types-from-local
which will build your local api-definitions
branch to generate new TS types that can be tested in your local consumer apps.