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PyDOS Generalized Wifi API library (

NOTE: PyDOS is not required to utlilize this library.

Whenever possible PyDOS and the bundled external programs work equally well on MicroPython or CircuitPython and on any of the supported micro controller chip families. To assist in reaching this goal PyDOS_wifi, a simplified Wifi library, is being developed which provides a unified Wifi API that works the same under both MicroPython and CircuitPython on ESP32xx, Pico W and Arduino Nano Connect based Microcontrollers.

External Libraries Needed for CircuitPython

  • adafruit_connection_manager

Espressif ESP32 family, Raspberry Pico W

  • adafruit_requests

Arduino Nano Connect

  • adafruit_requests
  • adafruit_esp32spi

Exposed Network API

class PyDOS_wifi

NOTE: PyDOS_wifi currently only support "station mode" activities.


Instance of class object contained within the library, available upon libary import.


adafruit_esp32spi.ESP_SPIcontrol object when run in CircuitPython on a Arduino Nano Connect, None in all other cases.


IP address obtained by microcontroller board after connecting to a network.

response:class response

Native response object after the most recent Pydos_wifi.get(url) call.


Timeout in milliseconds used for network operations when option is available in native API.


Station network.WLAN object when run in MicroPython, None in CircuitPython.

connect(*,ssid:str,passwd:str,espspi_debug:bool=False) -> bool

Attempts to connect to an access point using the passed in ssid and password.
The espspi_debug will turn on debug output when using an ESP spi wifi coprocessor with CircuitPython.

get(*,text_url:str,headers:dict=None,getJSON:bool=False) -> class response

Sends an html GET command to either port 80 or 443, depending on the HTTP(S) included in the text_url. The specific class of the returned response varies depending on; (1) which Python is running, (2) if the getJSON flag is set and (3) if a wifi coprocessor is being utilized. The Pydos_wifi methods next and json can be used to access the response data without regard to the Python version or microcontroller board type.

When running MicroPython, if the json method is going to be used to access the response, the getJSON flag must be set to True. If the next method is going to be used, getJSON must be False (or omitted). On CircuitPython, the getJSON parameter is ignored but may be used for compatibility.

Once a response has been retrieved via a call to get another call to get cannot be made without a closing the response. The response can be closed directly using response.close() if the native response supports it (MicroPython and non-coprocessor CircuitPython boards) but attempting to close a CircuitPython response directly currently results in the stream being read until it ends or times out which unless the retrieved html stream is relativly small may effectivly hang the board. Pydos_wifi.close() can be used in all cases without hanging the board but requires reconnecting to the AP using Pydos_wifi.connect after its use.

getenv(*,tomlKey:str) -> str

Returns the value associated with the tomlkey parameter retrieved from the /settings.toml file (or /.env file if settings.toml doesn't exist - depreciated, /.env file support will be removed in the future.)

EXAMPLE /settings.toml FILE


is_connected(*) -> bool

Flag indicating whether microcontroller is currently connected to an access point/network.

json(*) -> dict

When using MicroPython, the previous get must have been called with the getJSON flag set to True.

Returns the HTTP content parsed into a json dictionary. This attempts to read all available content and parse it as json. If the data is larger than will fit into memory or is not properly formatted the operation will fail (not gracefully... :).

next(*,size:int=256) -> bytes

When using MicroPython, the previous get must have been called with getJSON set to False or omitted.

Returns the next size bytes of the HTTP content as bytes. This is useful in scanning HTTP streams that are larger than would fit in available microcontroller memory.

When using MicroPython, calls to read attempting to get more data than is available will hang the board (for at least 60 seconds). Either make sure the size of data read is less than is available in the stream or set size to a single byte (1). If there are no data available to read when the next method is called it will return a btye string of length zero (b'') after Pydos_wifi.timeout milliseconds have elapsed. The zero length byte string can be tested for in order to determine the end of data within a loop, assuming you are reading just one byte at a time. Note reading the stream one byte at a time may be considerably slower than reading larger chunks.

The following example programs should run unmodified on ESP32/Pico W/Nano Connect boards running either CircuitPython or MicroPython.


from pydos_wifi import Pydos_wifi  
ssid = Pydos_wifi.getenv('CIRCUITPY_WIFI_SSID')  
pswd = Pydos_wifi.getenv('CIRCUITPY_WIFI_PASSWORD')  
result = Pydos_wifi.connect(ssid, pswd) 
text_url = ""  
response = Pydos_wifi.get(text_url)  
# since not using ssl can read data without testing for end of stream  


from pydos_wifi import Pydos_wifi  
# .5 second timeout, will wait this long before returning b''  
# if this is too short, could find false end of data on slow networks  
Pydos_wifi.timeout = 500 # default is 15000 (15 seconds)  
ssid = Pydos_wifi.getenv('CIRCUITPY_WIFI_SSID')  
pswd = Pydos_wifi.getenv('CIRCUITPY_WIFI_PASSWORD')  
result = Pydos_wifi.connect(ssid, pswd) 
text_url = ""  
response = Pydos_wifi.get(text_url)  
# If running on CircuitPython this loop may be replaced with: getRes =  
getRes = b''  
nxtByte = None  
while nxtByte != b'':  
    nxtByte =  
    getRes += nxtByte  



from pydos_wifi import Pydos_wifi  
ssid = Pydos_wifi.getenv('CIRCUITPY_WIFI_SSID')  
pswd = Pydos_wifi.getenv('CIRCUITPY_WIFI_PASSWORD')  
result = Pydos_wifi.connect(ssid, pswd) 
text_url = ""  
response = Pydos_wifi.get(text_url,None,True)  