JS Hint configuration file, for editors, grunt-contrib-jshint, etc
This configuration file is roughly based on our javascript styleguide.
The options are explained on the jshint website.
Note: define & require are set as globals, since most of our projects use requirejs. Disable or add more globals as required.
How to use with grunt-contrib-jshint?
jshint: {
options: {
jshintrc: true,
Add the .jshintrc file in the same directory (or higher) as Gruntfile.js / Gruntfile.coffee.
Put the .jshintrc file in the working directory (or higher)
JSHint will look for this file in the current working directory and, if not found, will move one level up the directory tree all the way up to the filesystem root.
Not happy with a setting? Let's make it better. Please make a pull request with a comment why a setting should be changed.