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Play 2.3 module for AMF communication

Small library module that allows you to use AMF to communicate with clients.

Note that this is developed with and for Scala.


Add a resolver to your project settings:

val main = play.Project(appName, appVersion, appDependencies, mainLang = SCALA).settings(
    resolvers += "Rhinofly Internal Repository" at ""

Add the dependency:

	val appDependencies = Seq(
      "nl.rhinofly" %% "play-amf" % "2.1.1"

Simple usage

From a Play perspective:

object Application extends Controller with Amf /* Note that we add Amf support to our controller */ {

		routed with: POST   /echo   controllers.Application.echo
	def echo = Action(amfParser[Any]) { request =>

From an Actionscript perspective:

	private function _clickHandler(e:MouseEvent):void
		var a:AmfClient = new AmfClient();
		a.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, _completeHandler);"http://localhost:9000/echo", {one: "value one", two: "value two"});
	private function _completeHandler(e:Event):void
		var o:Object = AmfClient(e.currentTarget).readObject();
		trace("{one: \"" + + "\", two: \"" + o.two + "\"}"); 

In your flash project you can use the lightweight AmfClient which can be found at /app/assets/actionscript/amf.swc

More complicated typed objects

These require you to define your case classes in a certain way (limitation of the underlying Java library). Most notably the default (non-argument) constructor and vars instead of vals

//Object definitions

	case class LatLng(
	    @BeanProperty var latitude:Double = 0, 
	    @BeanProperty var longitude:Double = 0) {
		def this() = this(0, 0)
	case class Image(
	    @BeanProperty var latLng:LatLng = null,
	    @BeanProperty var url:String = null,
	    @BeanProperty var caption:String = null,
	    @BeanProperty var size:Size = null
	) {
	  def this() = this(null, null, null, null)

//The above object can then be used like this:

	//called using POST
	def saveImage = Action(amfParser[Image]) { request =>
	  val Image(latLng, url, caption, size) = request.body
	  //store the information
	//called using GET
	def list = Action { request =>
		val images:Array[Image] = getImages

In actionscript:

public function saveImage(image:Image):void
	var amfClient:AmfClient = new AmfClient();
	amfClient.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, _saveCompleteHandler);
	amfClient.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, _saveProgessHandler);
	amfClient.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, _saveErrorHandler);
	amfClient.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, _saveErrorHandler);
	//Do not forget to register the Image class using the registerClassAlias method"http://url/saveImage", image);

public function list():void
	var amfClient:AmfClient = new AmfClient();
	amfClient.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, _listCompleteHandler);
	amfClient.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, _listProgessHandler);
	amfClient.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, _listErrorHandler);
	amfClient.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, _listErrorHandler);

private function _listCompleteHandler(event:Event):void
	var collection:Array = AmfClient(event.currentTarget).readObject() as Array;