Requirements • Installation • Thanks to • Official Group Bot • Donate
Yoshino Bot adalah bot yang awalnya memakai base dari chitandabot. Yoshino Bot is a bot whatsapp using a Baileys library. Jika kamu menemukan semacam bug, harap untuk dimaklumi sementara
- Jika kamu menemukan bug jangan lupa buka Issues
- Info Lebih Lanjut, Chat owner-yoshino
apt update && apt upgrade
pkg install nodejs git ffmpeg libwebp imagemagick
git clone
cd YoshinoBot
pkg install yarn
node index.js --qr (jika ingin menggunakan kode qr)
node index.js --code (jika ingin menggunakan otp)
"ownerNumber": "",
"ownerName": "rc",
"botName": "Yoshino Bot",
"packname": "follow",
"author": "@riycoders",
"pathimg": "./media/yoshino.jpg",
"apikey": {
"caliph": ""
"hmm": {
"yt": "",
"ig": "",
"linkmenu": ""
"donasi": {
"dana": "081575886399",
"gopay": "081575886399"
"gamewaktu": 90,
"limitCount": 25,
"gcount": {
"prem": 35,
"user": 15
Whiskeysockets | Irfan | Yoga | Caliph | Handoko | Arthur | Riy |
Owner of Baileys | Owner of Chitanda | My Inspiration | Owner of Caliph api | For Help | Pesatir | Owner of Yoshino |