⚙️ Code example for Deploying ChromaDB on AWS
This AWS CloudFormation template creates a stack that runs Chroma on a single EC2 instance. The instance is configured with Docker and Docker Compose, which are used to run Chroma and ClickHouse services.
These parameters can be provided when creating the stack:
- KeyName: The name of an existing EC2 KeyPair for SSH access to the instance. (Optional)
- InstanceType: The type of EC2 instance to be created. (Default: "m5.4xlarge")
- ChromaVersion: The Chroma version to install. (Default: "0.3.21")
- Conditions: Defines a condition named HasKeyName to check if a KeyName is provided.
- InstanceType
- UserData
- SecurityGroupIds
- KeyName (if provided)
- BlockDeviceMappings (with a volume size of 24 GB).
- ChromaInstanceSecurityGroup: An EC2 security group with ingress rules for SSH (port 22) and Chroma server (port 8000).
The public IP address of the Chroma server is provided as an output named ServerIp.
The template includes a mapping named Region2AMI with Amazon Linux 2 AMI IDs and root device names for each AWS region.
The UserData section in the template installs Docker and Docker Compose, creates the necessary configuration files, and starts Chroma and ClickHouse services using Docker Compose.
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name chroma-stack --template-body file://./chroma.cf.json \
--parameters ParameterKey=InstanceType,ParameterValue=m5.4xlarge
aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name chroma-stack --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs'
export CHROMA_API_IMPL=rest
export CHROMA_SERVER_HOST=<server IP address>
import chromadb
from chromadb.config import Settings
chroma = chromadb.Client(Settings(chroma_api_impl="rest",
chroma_server_host="<server IP address>",
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name chroma-stack