TL;DR - See the bot in action on Twitter or Mastodon
This bot uses Tweepy,, BeautifulSoup, and Requests to check for Wine updates, as well as Github for some other Wine-related projects (Proton, Proton GE, and DXVK) and posts the updates on Twitter and Mastodon. Run pip{3} install -r requirements.txt {--user}
to run the script.
If you wish to adapt this for your own need (I.E. to post website updates), you will need a file in the directory named auth.cred. See the auth.cred.example file for a quick start.
By default the bot will check every hour, but you can change that in the designated spot.
If you wish to have a dedicated Twitter bot make the account first and sign it up for a developer account. It should be accepted right away. Then make your app, get your tokens and place them in twitter-auth.cred.
Same thing on Mastodon but that takes much less time.