Big Data is anything which is crash Excel -- @DEVOPS_BORAT
- Day 1:
- Capturing high-level requirements
- discussing RedShift Ecosystem
- POC demonstration
- Day 2:
- Deployment walkthrough
- Analyze and ingest sample data sets
- Planning for the future
RedShift is built as an On-line Analytical Processing data warehouse.
What are some things to consider when utilizing an OLAP database?
- A relatively low volume of transactions slower query and load times data
- integrity is given lower priority, OLTP and other sources expected to maintain integ.
- intended for long-running periodic queries: complex / multi-dimensionals large
- number of joins aggregation in general ideal for ETL procedures
RedShift is not and On-line Transaction Processing database
- do not use Redshift if you expect a high volume of transactions
- do not useRedshift for ad-hoc transactions
- do not use Redshift as storage if data integrity is a high priority
There are a lot of things normal Postges (now in 9.3.x) can do that RedShift (now on 8.0.2) cannot. Rather than list everything here I've included links to the relevant documentation
- Unsupported PostgreSQL Funtions
- Unsupported PostgreSQL Data Types
- Unsupported PostgreSQL Features
- RedShift can only read CSV files from S3 and tables from DynamoDB, files need
- to be in one format or the other before loading. You cannot load JSON files directly into RedShift, and OLTP datasources need to be first extracted as CSV to import.
- PK's and FK'S are informational only they aren't enforced or used by RedShift.
- all CSV files must have a header row. If there is not a header included the the table must be created manually.
- all CSV headers must be lowercase. Uppercase is interpreted as a keyword. *If a header leads with a numeric character it must be quoted. This isn't 'clean' and should be avoided. Sometimes this is tricky with datetime columnar objects nonetheless an alternative naming scheme should be decided upon.
- every single column must have a header associated with it.
Most of these limitations and constraints come from the fact the RedShift is heavily re-tooled to be a strictly MPP (Massively Parallel Processing) architecture. Essentially we are making a trade--by reducing functionality and data type support we're able to take advantage of RedShifts ability to operate on extremely large scales.
remember that RedShift is a cluster. There is a master node and slices (other nodes) that the data is distributed between. This means that instead of working with PK's and FK's we're going to be working with SORT KEYS and DIST KEYS. Our distribution method is how data is stored across our cluster, and our sorting method enables us to optimize for our query methods.
at a glance, Compound sort keys will have an effect where queries use lots of JOINS, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, PARTITION BY, etc. Interleaving sort keys are ideal for selective queries utilizing WHERE and on queries using restrictive predicates on secondary columns.
it should be noted that regardless of what sort type you go with, performance is going to gradually deteroirate. Data added to an existing table causes the 'unsorted' region of that table to grow. Run VACUUM REINDEX and ANALYZE after large loads to optimize the data for querying.
Day 3:
- Restore RedShift Cluster to Afia environment
- discuss data sanitization and quality
- identify data integrity issues
- identify data relation issues
- using SCM to manage ETL procedures
- hands-on sanitization and ETL methods
Day 4:
- Compare proposed data modeling strategies
- discuss steps needed to achieve the best model
- discuss intermediary models
- identify business processes
- define the scope or grain of our model
- identify the dimensions of our model
- identify the facts of our model
because the data is aggregated in different intervals, the data is only correct some of the time. In order to ensure that fact tables display accurate data, the interval at which staging tables are loaded must be made uniform. Otherwise additional logic will be required to account for this.
currently, columns that would be used to draw a relation between tables have inconsistencies in the data that do not make this possible. The primary example being employee names between time tracking and payroll. There needs to be a common element implemented between the data sets that can be reliably shared.
once a model is built, it is likely the business process will orphan data. This is because some of the data included in these tables has no direct relation to any of the other tables. An example of this would be medicare providers from Payroll. There isn't any relation to projects or invoicing to this data, thus it would most likely accrue without ever being utilized.
before having a model, there needs to be consistency across relations in tables that end up aggregated in summary tables. As it stands, there are no rules enforcing values that would be shared across tables into a uniform format. A guarentee needs to be put in place ensuring that 'hourly_rate' has the same meaning and value across tables.
before loading data it should be sanitized and checked for integrity, rather than perform this inside the OLAP database it's recommended that sanitization and integrity take place either at the OLTP sources or before being loaded.
source control management helps manage migrations, ETL, and sanitization in a variety of ways.
our schemas are versioned: whether with incremental .sql scripts or via alembic/sqlalchemy classes our table definitions are versioned. we're able to track the addition or removal of columns to a particular version.
migrations and ETL can be rolled back if there are issues with a migration, having the previous schema on hand only a commit away makes managing migrations and rollbacks simpler.
needed transformations are captured any time an inconsistency is captured and a transformation is created for it, the needed transformation logic can be captured for re-use
standards are enforced via pull-requests because pull-requests require review of the submitted code, standards and best practices can be enforced via code-review
Define Intermediary Tables:
- define a fact constellation
- aggregate in a logical fashion from staging tables
- multiple datamarts
Describe Business Processes the warehouse must cover: the model(s) should be able to accomidate the following:
- tracking staff cost to projects
- averaging project rates drilled to staff rates
- blended rate charges
Identify the scope or grain of our models:
- avoid multigrain tables
- a grain is best defined by describing a central business process 'a single invoice for a customer for a project' would be an example of grain.
- define dimensions:
- date
- client
- invoice
- staff
- project
- define facts:
facts are the numerical entries drawn from dimensions
- break tables out by fact type to avoid multigrain