CloudFormation Training class
This repository contains cloudformation to boot a small synchronous CRUD applicaiton.
The objective of the lab is to improve upon the templates.
These templates will boot a VPC with a Public facing ELB that passes traffic to a AutoScaling group running Java Application under Tomcat. A Internal ELB will be used for the application to connect to a MySQL Database Master, another instance will be booted as a slave and will monitor the health of the Master and will run a failover if the Master enters a state where it is unreachable.
To boot this environment, Upload the json files to a S3 bucket: (Remember to replace my_uniq_bucket_name with your bucket name)
aws s3 cp Nest.json s3://my_uniq_bucket_name/Nest.json
aws s3 cp Network.json s3://my_uniq_bucket_name/Network.json
aws s3 cp App.json s3://my_uniq_bucket_name/App.json
aws s3 cp DB.json s3://my_uniq_bucket_name/DB.json
Then call create stack on the nested template providing parameters to all of the other templates and to a KeyPair you have access to. Again don't forget to replace my_uniq_bucket_name with your own bucket.
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name MyNestedStack1 --template-url \
--parameters \
ParameterKey=NetworkCFNURL,ParameterValue= \
ParameterKey=AppCFNURL,ParameterValue= \
ParameterKey=DatabaseCFNURL,ParameterValue= \
ParameterKey=KeyPair,ParameterValue=MyKeyPair \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
If you've finished the lab and everything creates, Test the app by visiting the Sync ELB URL and append :8080/intuit-multi-tier-sync-app/sync/cities. This URL will return a sting of cities in JSON.