This is project is based on the text classification using NLP.
pip install scikit-learn
pip install pandas
pip install numpy
pip install nltk
-Download and explore the data
-Apply text preprocessing techniques
-Implement the bag of words model
-Train ML models for text classification
-Make predictions and submit to Kaggle
-Download the dataset from kaggle to jupyter notebook
-Explore the data using Pandas
-Create a small working sample
-Understand the bag of words model
-Stop word removal
-Create a list of all the words across all the text documents
-Convert each document inot vector counts of each word
-There may be too many words in the dataset
-Some words may occur to frequently
-Some words may occur very rarely or only once
-A single word may have many forms(go,gone,going or bird vs birds)
Splitting a document into words and seperators
Removing commonly occuring words
Stemming is the process of reducing a word to its base or root form, also known as a stem, by removing any prefixes or suffixes. The resulting stem may not necessarily be a word itself, but it represents the core meaning of the word.
Example:-"go","gone","going" ->"go
"birds","bird" -> "bird"
-Create a vocabulary using Count Vectorizer
-Transform text to vectors using Count Vectorizer
-Configure text preprocessing in Count Vectorizer
-Create a training & validation set
-Train a logisitic regression model
-Make predicions on training,validation & test data
Dataset link :-