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I was just tinkering with NetSquid, the quantum network simulator tutorial's Ping Pong program from the documentation. I included a simple bit flip from the QuantumErrorModel class and added memory to each node for storing and retrieving a quantum state before resending. The idea is to include a simple CSS codes implementation and other QEC techniques for different error models just for the learning process.

You'll need the NetSquid package to run this.

Installing NetSquid

This section provides a simplified guide to installing NetSquid, a tool for simulating quantum networks. Ensure your system meets the prerequisites before proceeding.


  • Operating System: Linux or MacOS (64-bit). Windows users can use WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux).
  • Python: Version 3.6 or higher.
  • pip: Version 19 or higher. Upgrade using pip3 install --upgrade pip.

Installation Steps

  1. NetSquid Forum Account: Register at the NetSquid Forum to obtain login credentials. You'll need these for the next step.

  2. Install NetSquid: Open a terminal and run the following command, replacing <username> and <password> with your forum credentials:

    pip3 install --user --extra-index-url https://<username>:<password> netsquid

    Remove --user to install system-wide (requires admin rights) or if using a virtual environment.

  3. Verify Installation: Test if NetSquid is correctly installed by running:

    import netsquid as ns

If you encounter any issues, check your system meets the prerequisites or consult the NetSquid forum for support.


Learning exercise for quantum networking simulation






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