Real time chat app with AWS Chime Messaging
- Create user form
- Login form
- Integration with AWS Cognito through Amplify
- Visual and structure
- Integration with AWS Chime Messaging
- Chat operations (send message, create channel, receive messages...)
- Add a post confirmation Lambda trigger
- Create chime user through the triggered lambda
- Cognito
- Chime Messaging
- Lambda
Before you begin, make sure you've met the following requirements:
In order to configure and run this application, follow these steps:
Download the project and install the dependencies:
# Clone this repo
git clone
# Enter the project folder
cd aws-chime-chat-demo
# Install the project dependencies
## This project uses pnpm workspace so the following command install all the project's dependencies
pnpm install
# Run the aws configure command to set the AWS credentials for the next steps and you should have an IAM user configured.
# Deploy infrastructure on your account with terraform
pnpm tf:deploy
To run the application, follow these steps:
# Run the web app
pnpm --filter web dev
# or
cd apps/web && pnpm dev