- I'm currently persuing a PhD on AI-enhanced Sound Event Localization and Detection for BioAcoustics.
- I’ve graduated in a Master of Science in Music and Acoustic Engineering @ Politecnico di Milano with a thesis on a Deep Learning-based Method for Multi-Zone Sound Field Synthesis
- I’m open to collaborate on creative projects
- If you need help, you can ask me about DSP algorithms and Music Information Retrieval techniques
- How to reach me: r.alessandri@outlook.com
- Pronouns: He/Him
- Fun fact: I'm a DJ, an Electronic Music Producer in one hand and Audio Developer, AI/ML/DL enthusiastic on the other hand, but still haven't found a way to merge my artistic side with my engineer side
Former Intern as Audio Signal Processing & AI for Audio Researcher @ Nokia Bell Labs (worked on a Low-Complexity Deep learning-based method for RealTime Noise Suppression and Speech Enhancement)
Former Intern as Prototyping Assistant @ LWT3 (worked on a Human-Machine Interaction system based on Motion Capture for artistic purposes in Virtual Reality)
- Programming Languages:
- Javascript (Vue, React, Node.js, p5.js), HTML, CSS
- Python (NumPy, Librosa, Pandas, MatPlotLib, Scikit-Learn, Scipy, TensorFlow/Keras, PyTorch, PyRoomAcoustics, open-cv, sfs)
- MatLab (RIR-Generator)
- C++ (JUCE, OpenFrameworks) [Basic]
- C (nesC) [Less than Basic]
- C# (.NET)
- Java (Processing)
- SuperCollider
- Design pattern:
- Model-View-Controller (MVC)
- DataBases:
- Protocolos:
- 6LowPan
- ZigBee
- LoraWan