This package contains models and ROS2 nodes to handle different sorts of image processing required by the tasks of the RoboCup@Home competition. This repository uses the Pepper robot image processing (through Naoqi) as a backend but it can be easily customized to any robot with an RGB-D or RGB camera.
The main models used are:
AgeGenderDetection: From an RGB image of a person's face, detect the age and gender (M/F). There are two models available:
- A simple CNN model taken from the awesome implementation for Android by Shubham Panchal. This model inference uses the TFLite interpreter.
- A Caffe implementation of another CNN by eveningglow which is older and performs significantly worse.
ColourDetection: get back the main color component of an RGB image. Here, we use it to detect clothes' colors by cropping the input image on the cloth detection. This is a custom lightweight implementation based on a kmeans algorithm (inference with OpenCV).
FaceDetection: detect all human faces from an input RGB image. The model used here is a lightweight YuNet, taken from the official model repository of OpenCV. The model perform very good in full precision.
GlassesDetection: This is a custom implementation based on the one from TianxingWu which is a simple yet efficient glasses detector based on face landmarks.
ObjectDetection: We use different state-of-the-art models to detect objects based on input RGB images. The main model used is YOLOV8, from the ultralytics implementation. This model is fine-tuned on a few-shot dataset of the objects present at the robocup, for a description of the data collection and fine-tuning please see our dedicated paper. Other models used are an SSD Inception V2, trained on COCO dataset (80 classes) and an SSD MobileNetV2 trained on OpenImageV4 (600 classes). The MobileNet model is used to detect a wide range of objects in the wild, with worse accuracy than YOLOV8.
PoseDetection: For pose detection, we use two MoveNet models, from the original TFLite implementation. The MoveNet Multipose is used to detect the pose of multiple persons at a time, with higher inference time while the MoveNet Lightning is an ultra-fast detector that can only detect the pose of a single human at a time.
You can use the different models with ROS2 by calling the different ROS nodes. Be careful though, not all nodes have been ported to ROS2 yet. To install the package, clone it in a ROS2 workspace (assuming ros2_ws here) and run:
cd ros2_ws/src
git clone
colcon build --symlink-install --packages-select perception_pepper
source ./install/local_setup.bash
As an example, you can run some out-of-the-box demos for the pose detection and features detection (age + gender + clothes) as follows:
ros2 run perception_pepper pose_demo
ros2 run perception_pepper features_demo
During the RoboCup@Home 2023 in Bordeaux, we setup a few-shot object detection pipeline which consists of quick annotations using Roboflow, data augmentation and finally training a YOLOV8-nano model using the ultralytics implementation. You can find a report of metrics and analytics about the model obtained in our Wandb report. The dataset is available at
Here is an overview of the performance of the model:
We also tested different inference engines for fast onboard detection, here are the results, taken from our dedicated paper:
If you use this project, please consider citing:
title={RoboCup@ Home SSPL Champion 2023: RoboBreizh, a Fully Embedded Approach},
author={Buche, C{\'e}dric and Neau, Ma{\"e}lic and Ung, Thomas and Li, Louis and Wang, Sinuo and Bono, C{\'e}dric Le},
booktitle={Robot World Cup},