Releases: RoboPhred/shipbreaker-sixaxis
Releases · RoboPhred/shipbreaker-sixaxis
SixAxis 2.0.0
SixAxis 1.1.2
- Fix inability to use mouse and keyboard controls when mod is installed
- Add SpaceNavigator to default config file
SixAxis 1.1.1
Remove debug code preventing Shipbreaker from recording crash logs.
SixAxis 1.1.0
Config file support - Mod can be configured for any axis of any HID device.
SixAxis 1.0.3
Fix grapple / cutter breaking and eventual game crash if input is sent while paused or tabbed out.
SixAxis 1.0.2
Allow mixing game input with joystick input; fixes being unable to control the game via mouse and keyboard when sixaxis is installed.
SixAxis 1.0.1
Remove log redirector to allow crash logs to work as expected.
SixAxis 1.0.0
Prototype six axis support. Hard coded to HID GenericDesktop/MultiAxisController
Axes have been hard coded for 3DConnexion SpaceMouse devices.