- open loop poles and zeros
- complete root locus plot for both k > 0 and k < 0
- angles and intersection of asymptotes
- candidates of breakaway points solved by d/ds(loop gain) = 0
- marginally stable poles location with corresponding k's
- Complete Root Locus tool.py
- main
- CompleteRL.py
- calculation module
- Complete Root Locus tool.py
csv files :
- Transfer function G(s) and H(s)
- G(s)_nominator.csv
- GN(s)
- G(s)_denominator.csv
- GD(s)
- H(s)_nominator.csv
- HN(s)
- H(s)_denominator.csv
- HD(s)
- G(s)_nominator.csv
- Preference Settings
- settings.csv
- Transfer function G(s) and H(s)
Transfer Function format:
forward transfer function = G(s) = GN(s)/GD(s)
feedback transfer function = H(s) = HN(s)/HD(s)
loop gain = GL(s) = G(s) * H(s)
Entering Coefficients
- Please enter the 1 or 2 degree factors in the format of coefficients in the corresponding csv files.
- eg. s(s+2)(s^2+3)
- entering format in csv file:
- 0 1 0 (s)
- 0 1 2 (s+2)
- 1 0 3 (s^2 + 3)
- entering format in csv file:
Preference settings: settings.csv
- parameters:
- prec = displayed decimal precision
- xRange = displayed x-axis value range in both +/- direcitons. Set to -1 for automatically adjusting
- y axis will fit automatically with same unit length under all circumstances
- lb = k(gain) lowerbound = k0 * 10^lb
- ub = k(gain) upperbound = k0 * 10^ub
- k0 = the gain such that the highest deg terms have equal coefficient in both GL(s)'s nominator and denominator
- quantity = sample quantity