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A sample nodejs and react chat application to show how to build graphql apis using nodejs and a react app to show how to consume these graphql apis using apollo client. Using web sockets with graphql to create realtime communication between two users.

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install nodemon globallly run => nodemon server2
open playground at localhost 4000

apollo playground is similar to postman

install xampp for mysql and apache

npm i -g prisma

//To create database tables [ npx prisma migrate dev --name init_migration


npx prisma db push //worked fine ]

//check phpmyadmin or tool made by prisma npx prisma studio

after updating prisma models run => prisma db push

we can use graphquery api without any library by using fetch api call. graphql post is always a post request.

just copy the query from graphql apollo gui and pass in request body

fetch("http://localhost:3000,{ method:"POST", header:{ "Content-type":"application/json" "Authorization":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VySWQiOjEsImlhdCI6MTY0OTUwNjE3NH0.2u5aPTjJrPHDTd13xlptZvZRxUhuJUH7O4ZSERBeX2k" }, body:JSON.stringify({ query: query MessagesByUser($receiverId: Int!) { messagesByUser(receiverId: $receiverId) { text receiverId senderId } } , variables:{ "receiverId": 2 } }) }).then(res=>res.json()) .then(data=>{ console.log(data) })

Install Apollo Cmd 5.6.10 is not compatible with react 18 due to peer dependecies npm i --legacy-peer-deps @apollo/client

How to run server

nodemon server

How to run client

inside client node start

Run XAMPP Apache and MySQL

open http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ for database access

Inside graphql apollo running at 4000

under mutation signIn and get the token after signing in get the token and attach in subsequent request in the header Authorization.

Some common creds


GraphQL Subscriptions do not work with apollo-server default package It uses apollo-sever-express which uses web socket to create 2 way functionality. And For that we need to add a package.

For Apollo server implementation checkout branch apollo-server For Apollo server express subscription package checkout branch apollo-server-express ws

Cmd for subscription packages npm install apollo-server-express graphql-ws @graphql-tools/schema express


Server.js has Apollo server implementation Server2.js has Apollo server express implementation


A sample nodejs and react chat application to show how to build graphql apis using nodejs and a react app to show how to consume these graphql apis using apollo client. Using web sockets with graphql to create realtime communication between two users.







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