#A basic software test. For example divide 10 by 0 it should show a AssertionError.
import unittest
class MyTest(unittest.TestCase): # The setup method is run before each test method def setUp(self): # Initialize any resources needed for the tests pass
# The teardown method is run after each test method
def tearDown(self):
# Clean up any resources used by the tests
# Test methods should start with the word "test"
def test_addition(self):
result = 2 + 2
self.assertEqual(result, 4)
def test_subtraction(self):
result = 5 - 3
self.assertEqual(result, 2)
def test_multiplication(self):
result = 4 * 3
self.assertEqual(result, 12)
def test_division(self):
result = 10 / 2
self.assertEqual(result, 5) # Compare with an expected value
if name == 'main': unittest.main()