• Learned how to create reusable components for better code organization.
• Applied CSS styles to enhance the look and feel of components.
• Explored passing data between components using props for flexibility.
• Implemented logic to conditionally render components based on state or props.
• Rendered arrays of data into lists with dynamic content.
• Handled user interactions by setting up event listeners for click actions.
• Managed component state using React’s useState hook.
• Captured user input changes and updated the state dynamically.
• Built a functional color picker app to experiment with event handling and state updates.
• Used updater functions to handle complex state transitions.
• Updated object properties within the state in an efficient way.
• Manipulated arrays in the state, such as adding, removing, or modifying elements.
• Learned techniques to handle arrays containing objects in the state.
• Created a simple to-do list application to practice managing and rendering state.
• Worked with side effects and lifecycle management in functional components.
• Built a real-time digital clock to practice time-based updates.
• Managed global state in a React application using the useContext hook.
• Accessed DOM elements and maintained persistent values with the useRef hook.
• Developed a stopwatch app to apply various React concepts in a single project.
This README serves as a reference for the concepts learned and applications built while following the tutorial. Each topic was a stepping stone toward gaining a solid foundation in React development.