The purpose of this project is to show how to minipulate data and queries through GraphQL in order to define a structure of data returned by endpoints API.
First of all GraphQL defines the schemas, the structure of your dataset using TypeDefs. Then let Apollo Server know how to interact with this schema thanks to the resolver, it explicitly indicates how to retrieve a particular type of data.
Finally, Apollo uses a Data sources extended class that sets methods to making requests to external APIs and retrieves data.
The tests has been done with Jest to validate data sources and a custom black-box tests for typedefs and resolvers.
export const typeDefs = gql`
type Query {
allArticles: [Article!]!
allArticlesBySource(source: String!): [Article!]!
articleBySource(id: ID!, source: String!): Article
multipleArticlesBySource(ids: [Int!]!, source: String!): [Article!]!
type Article {
id: ID!
title: String
author: String
url: String
time: String
source: String
export const resolvers = {
Query: {
allArticles: (_, __, { dataSources }) =>
Object.keys(dataSources).map((source) =>
).then((result) => result.reduce((acc, data) => acc.concat(data)), []),
allArticlesBySource: (_, { source }, { dataSources }) =>
articleBySource: (_, { id, source }, { dataSources }) =>
dataSources[source].getArticle(id, source),
multipleArticlesBySource: (_, { ids, source }, { dataSources }) =>
all classes are extended from Apollo RESTDataSource
base url:
method | param | description |
articleReducer | {id, by, url, time, title}: Object |
return a friendly formated data |
getAllArticleIds | none | retrieve all articles ID |
getArticle | articleId: Number |
get an article by ID |
getArticlesByIds | articleIds: Array of Number |
get several articles by ID |
getAllArticles | none | get all articles |
base url:
method | param | description |
articleReducer | {id, by, url, time, title}: Object |
return a friendly formated data |
getAllArticles | none | get all articles |