A python library for efficiently encoding and decoding sensor data over MQTT
I would recommend installing this library in a python venv or similar
pip install git+https://github.com/Rose-Rocketry/lib_sensor_encoding
"name": "string", // Human-readable name for the sensor
"channels": [
"name": "timestamp",
"type": "timestamp",
... additional channels ...
"name": "string", // Human-readable name for the channel
"type": "number" or "vector" or "string" or "bool" or "timestamp" or "object",
"unit": "unit", // (Optional) Human-readable unit
Encodes a unix timestamp. The first channel of any sensor should have type "timestamp" and name "timestamp", representing when the sample was collected
"name": "timestamp",
"type": "timestamp",
"name": "Human-readable name for the channel",
"type": "number",
"unit": "unit", // (Optional) Human-readable unit
"scale": 0.01, // (Optional) Factor to multiply values by before encoding
// This allows fractional values to be sent as integers, often saving bandwidth
// This field is only used for transmitting data, and is removed when the data is decoded
"minimum": -10, // (Optional) the minimum expected value for this channel
"maximum": 10 // (Optional) the maximum expected value for this channel
Vector channels are essentially the same as number channels, but represent a list of numbers instead of a single number
"name": "Human-readable name for the channel",
"type": "vector",
"unit": "unit", // (Optional) Human-readable unit
"scale": 0.01, // (Optional) Factor to multiply values by before encoding
// This allows fractional values to be sent as integers, often saving bandwidth
// This field is only used for transmitting data, and is removed when the data is decoded
"components": ["x", "y", "z"], // List of labels for the components of this vector
// Must be the same length as the vectors that are transmitted
"minimum": -10, // (Optional) the minimum expected value for this channel
"maximum": 10 // (Optional) the maximum expected value for this channel
"name": "Human-readable name for the channel",
"type": "string" or "bool" or "object",
"unit": "unit", // (Optional) Human-readable unit
from lib_sensor_encoding import TimestampReading, EncodingType, SensorEncoder
cpu_encoder = SensorEncoder({
"name": "CPU Info",
"readings": [
"name": "cpu_temp",
"unit": "°C",
"encoding": EncodingType.float,
"bits": 32,
# > 0143505520496e666f00021e74696d65...
cpu_data = cpu_encoder.encode(cpu_temp=45.2)
# > 0005ede1bed5447c4234cccd
# > Container:
# timestamp = 2022-11-20 01:18:28.625532
# cpu_temp = 45.20000076293945
from lib_sensor_encoding import TimestampReading, EncodingType, MQTTSensorClient
from time import sleep
client = MQTTSensorClient()
cpu_publish = client.create_sensor(
"name": "CPU Info",
"readings": [
"name": "cpu_temp",
"unit": "°C",
"encoding": EncodingType.float,
"bits": 32,
) # Publishes a binary metadata packet to the broker
sleep(1) # Give the subscriber time to subscribe
cpu_publish(cpu_temp=45.2) # Publishes a binary data packet to the broker
from ... import SensorEncoder, MQTTSensorClient
def sensor_data(name: str, data: dict):
client = MQTTSensorClient(sensor_discovery_enabled=True)
client.on_sensor_data = sensor_data
# > Container:
# timestamp = 2022-11-20 01:18:28.625532
# cpu_temp = 45.20000076293945
For more complete examples that uses almost all of this library's features, see the demos.
You can run the system status and MPU6050 encoding example with python -m lib_sensor_encoding.demo.encoding
To run the publish and subscribe examples, first you need an MQTT broker running on localhost.
This is most easily achieved by installing mosquitto and running mosquitto
in a terminal.
Start the publisher and subscriber in separate terminals with python -m lib_sensor_encoding.demo.publish
and python -m lib_sensor_encoding.demo.subscribe
This library is designed to be fault-tolerant. In the previous example if any component (broker, publisher, or subscriber) is restarted, all other components continue to work without issue.