The data consists of features of real estate in different areas of Bangalore. It was pre-processed for convenience. The original data can be found here.
• availability: is the property available immediately (1) or in the near future (0).
• total_sqft: the area of the property in square feet (1 foot = 30.54 cm).
• bedrooms: the number of bedrooms in the property.
• bath: the number of bathrooms in the property.
• balcony: the number of balconies in the property.
• rank: the ranking of the neighborhood in terms of average price (1 is the highest).
• area_type: is the property type a built up area (B) or plot area (P).
• price in rupees: the price of the property.
• Train: rows 1-8040.
• Validation: rows 8041-10050.
• Test: rows 10051-12563.
Section A
- Decision Tree: Implement a Decision Tree (classifier and regressor) algorithm in Python.
- AdaBoost: Implement an AdaBoost (classifier) algorithm in Python.
Section B
- Classification: Use both models from section A and predict the area type (B, P), using all the features in the dataset.
- Regression: Use the decision tree model from section A and predict the price of a property, using all the features in the dataset.
Section C
- Sklearn Models: Implement the models (including hyperparameter tuning) from section B using built-in function from Sklearn.
- Comparison: Compare the result of your program and the built-in Sklearn models in terms of metrics and runtime. If there are differences, suggest an explanation.
Section D
Gradient Boost Regressor:
• Implement a Gradient Boost Regressor algorithm in Python.• Run the gradient boost algorithm on the given data to predict the price of a property.
• Compare the algorithm’s performance to the built-in Sklearn model and the previous models that you implemented.
Classification Metrics:
• Report the sensitivity and specificity metrics of section B(1).• Is there a significant difference between the scores? Suggest an explanation to why that may be the case.
• Suggest and apply a method to improve the scores.
• Additional bonus points (up to 5) will be given for outperforming other students (in terms of metrics). Make sure to provide an explanation.