A collection of the projects I made for my AP Computer Science Principles class during the 2022-2023 school year.
Feel free to check out my projects, download them, and test them.
Project | Description |
CaesarCipher | A command-line Caesar Cipher encryptor/decryptor. |
CarWashProject | A string cleaning utility. |
ConversionProject | A decimal to binary converter using Tkinter |
DragonAdventureProject | A text-based adventure game. |
FoogleProject | A Google search wrapper using Tkinter. |
GradebookCalculator | Calculate an overall grade from five individual grades. |
InterviewProject | A command-line interview program that asks you questions. |
MenuProject | A Tkinter food ordering app. |
PasswordCracker | A brute-force password cracker for three-letter passwords. |
Practice | Sample, test, and practice code. |
RockPaperScissors | A Tkinter rock paper scissors game against the computer. |
SecretNumberProject | A number-guesing game. |
SmileyBugProject | Draw stuff using Turtle graphics. |
StatTracker | A video game KDA and win/loss tracker. |
TicTacToe | A Tkinter tic-tac-toe game. |
ToDoListProject | A simple to-do list using Tkinter. |
WheelOfForture | A Wheel of Fortune game using Pygame. |