Subasta is an auction ecommerce website similar to Ebay where users can list items and put them up for auction and whoever has the highest bid for that particular auctions wins the item
Users are able to:
- Create account
- Create a listing
- Start an auction
- Bid on a particular auction
- Add items to their watchlist
- Close an auction
- Check active listings
- Make comments on an auction
- Win auctions
Subasta is built using
To run this project on your machine. Make sure you have python3 installed on your machine. Create a virtual environment on your code editor using the command
virtualenv <name of environment>
If virtualenv is not installed on your machine. Install it or use this alternative to create a virtual environment
python -m venv <name of environment>
After virtual environment has been created. Install all packages listed in the requirements.txt file using the command below:
pip install -r requirements.txt
All packages should install without errors.
After package installation, generate a secret key in your terminal with the command below
from import get_random_secret_key
This generates a secret key. Copy the key
Create a .env
file in the product directory
Input SECRET_KEY=<secret key copied from terminal>
Then run the python server with the command
python3 runserver