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Releases: S3x0r/MINION


17 Dec 21:58
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v1.2.2 changes (17.12.2024):

  • added flood protection (channel, privmsg, notice, ctcp messages)

  • new options in config ('FLOOD' section):
    "flood delay": 0.5 <- interval in float
    "channel flood": "bankick" <- action after channel flood, options: 'bankick', 'kick', 'warn'
    "privmsg flood": "ignore" <- action after privmsg flood, options: 'ignore', 'warn'
    "notice flood": "ignore" <- action after notice flood, options: 'ignore', 'warn'
    "ctcp flood": "ignore" <- action after ctcp flood, options: 'ignore', 'warn'

    bankick = ban + kick in channel
    kick = kick from channel
    ignore = add user to ignore list (*!ident@hostname)
    warn = send warning to user

  • fixed ignore list and corrected channel ignore

  • fixed topic loop in timer


15 Dec 14:40
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v1.2.1 changes (15.12.2024):

  • bug with increased CPU usage fixed
  • from now on, with each server it is possible to separately set the connection type (plain/ssl), port and password
    eg. "localhost:6667:plain", "localhost:6679:ssl:123", etc,.
  • added checking configuration file for errors
  • added compression of logs from the previous day
    creates an '.zip' file and deletes the folder
  • ctrl+c, ctrl+break handler corrected for windows only
  • bot can now ignore users, new structure in config:
    "IGNORE": {
    "users": [
    bot ignores all plugins, register, ctcp, privmsg, channel messages, invites, notice - commands/messages
  • new plugin 'ignore' Adds host to ignore list (!ignore nick!ident@hostname)
  • new ban list format:
    "ban list": [
  • new auto op list format:
    "auto op list": [
  • new cli argument '-x' create default configuration file (config.json)
  • updated 'config info.txt' file
  • updated php from 7.4.5 to 7.4.33


09 Dec 23:48
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v1.2.0 changes (10.12.2024):

  • ssl servers support
  • more servers can now be set
    "servers" :[
    "..." (...)
    if the server does not connect to the first server,
    it will go to the next server in the list and try to connect, etc.
  • new logs structure
  • logs now located in directories marked with date
  • separate logs for different events
    (ctcp.txt, notice.txt, server.txt, raw.txt, plugins.txt, bot.txt, #..txt)
  • new options in config:
    "ssl": true/false
    "log bot messages": true/false
    "log server messages": true/false
    "log ctcp messages": true/false
    "log notice messages": true/false
    "log channel messages": true/false
    "log plugins usage messages": true/false
    "log raw messages": true/false
    "show ctcp messages": true/false
  • bot now shows info about sending raw commands
  • "raw commands" in config changed
    from: "JOIN #test1;JOIN #test2"
    to : "JOIN test1",
    "JOIN test2",
    "..." etc,.


01 Dec 17:07
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v1.1.9 changes (01.12.2024):

  • added in config "owner message on join channel", if set to true and "owner message" is provided.
    This message will be shown if owner joins channel
  • added in config "give voice users on join channel", if bot got @ will give +v to everyone who joined channel
  • added in config "bot modes", you can set bot own mode eg. -i, +ix etc...
  • added in config "raw commands on start", you can set own raw commands eg. "JOIN #test1;JOIN #test2"
    (separated by ';')
  • added ctrl+c, ctrl+break handler


29 Nov 16:07
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- config changed from ini to json format (config.ini => config.json)
- deleted 'update check.bat' since we now checking it after start time
- added config section MESSAGE and new options:
                          show channel user messages
                          show private messages
                          show users join channel
                          show users part channel
                          show users quit messages
                          show topic changes
                          show nick changes
                          show channel kicks messages
			  show plugin usage info
			  show users notice messages
			  show users invite messages
   - added "keep topic" (CHANNEL) in config
     bot can now protect topic if changed
   - added "channel topic" (CHANNEL) in config
     bot can now set topic if got @
   - removed plugins: pause, unpause, newnick, raw, server
   - log filename format changed <#channelname.servername.txt>
   - added time in raw messages
   - added reason in kick messages
   - fixed rejoining channel if key is set
   - fixed notice messages from user(s)
   - fixed ctcp messages
   - new sounds
   - some bot messages have been changed
   - code cleanup


17 Jan 16:38
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  • From now on, you can create 1-998 permissions + normaln user (999) and 'owner' (0)
  • The entitlement structure changed, As of now The owner directory can have any name
    but it is important that it must be in configuration file ([USERSLEVELS]) 0
    also name must be added in PRIVILEGES.
    A normal user has userlevel 999 and can only see own commands
    user levels from (1) to (998) may be assigned other privileges
    The -lower- number has access to all -higher- level commands
    eg. if 'owner' is (0), 'admin' (1), 'someone else' (2), 'normal user' (999)
    'admin' can use own commands + 'someone else' commands + 'normal user' commands.
    'someone else' can use own commands + 'normal user' commands, etc,.
  • fixed: timezone from config was not set
  • fixed: wrong time in log filename
  • fixed: there was missing '' in config file
    when changing default password
  • NEW PLUGIN: 'whoami' - Displays user assigned name and privilege level
  • plugin: 'ban' - now saves ban to ban list in config
  • new argument '-n', you can now set bot nickname from arg
  • new logs filename format: 'date-computer name'
  • bot prints channel user(s) on bot join
  • added files 'core_cmnds_helpers.php', 'on_numeric.php', 'on_word.php' and changed 'core_commands' to 'core_cmnds'
  • REMOVED PLUGINS: 'showconfig', 'save', 'addadmin', 'listadmins', 'remadmin', 'panel', 'plugin'
    plugins will return in future.
  • disabled for now 'fetch' plugin
  • removed files: 'debug.php', 'web.php'
  • code cleanup


28 Dec 21:25
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  • fixed reconnect delay time
  • new option in config: 'show_own_messages_in_raw_mode'
  • new option in config: 'show_motd' - shows server message of the day
  • logo.php removed
  • 'DOCS' and 'PLUGINS' folders are now lowercase
  • added 'start.php', 'args.php' files
  • now in -c arg you need to provide full path to file
  • silent mode removed
  • logo removed
  • new logs filename format: 'date+time-computer name'
  • bot now shows notices from server
  • separators in config file changed from '_' to '.'
  • Fixed: plugin 'say' - we can now say whole message
  • other small changes / code cleanup


28 Dec 11:37
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  • code cleanup


26 Dec 19:31
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  • Plugin: restart - now escapes from parent process
  • Plugin: server - now escapes from parent process
  • fixed repeated messages on join event


21 Dec 13:59
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  • registration to bot bug fixed