2.0.0 (2021-12-13)
- ✏️ Remove trailing underscore in the property names of component models.
- ✏️ Reorganize those initializer pamameters belonging to the same component into one.
// Before
public init(..., actionText: String? = nil, didSelectAction: (() -> Void)? = nil)
// Now
public init(..., action: Action? = nil)
Bug Fixes
- 🐛 Compilation error for MacCatalyst due to Zip package (#348) (ddf18c5)
- 🐛 Croatian translation for "Tap to Sign" (fb728a8), closes #310
- 🐛 Dimension selector styling (#380) (a19d9ab)
- 🐛 Fix an issue in Sourcery related to binding property (31b2866)
- 🐛 Fix an issue in Sourcery related to binding property (#343) (5c4bbbe)
- 🐛 Fix IntegrationCard examples for data requests (68ff510)
- 🐛 Honor maxItems in List integration card (c605b8e)
- 🐛 Improve data table styling (#382) (e932510)
- 🐛 Replace print statements with os_log (#374) (bc542ce)
- 🐛 Stroke not smooth problem when stroke width is large (#369) (412ac29)
- 🐛 Support chart for iOS Widget (#329) (be896df)
- 🐛 Title of signature capture view use 72-semibold (#353) (0039dc8)
- 🐛 Xcode 13 compilation error in TimelineItemView (13c35b6)
- 🐛 Correct the size talbe for 72 font (#345) (c1f4cf5)
- 🐛 Data table ios15 crash (#328) (a23964d)
- 🐛 Data table space issue (#326) (86058d5)