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Build Covid Question Answering Bot

In this demo, we use Jina to build a semantic search system on the What Are People Asking About COVID-19?. The goal is to find out relevant answers when the user query a similar question. The data contains the questions and answers from various sources.


A major challenge during fast-developing pandemics such as COVID-19 is keeping people updated with the latest and most relevant information. Since the beginning of COVID, several websites have created frequently asked questions (FAQ) pages that they regularly update. But even so, users might struggle to find their questions on FAQ pages, and many questions remain unanswered.


demo output

demo output

Demo Video Link :

Covid Q/A Bot

Presentation Link :


This demo requires Python 3.7 or 3.8.

pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt

Prepare the data

The raw data contains season, episode, character, and line information in the .csv format as follows:

Category,Question ID,Question,Source,Answers
Speculation - Pandemic Duration,42,will covid end soon,Google Search,"may 1st, i think, is completely unrealistic, said dr. ashish jha, director of the harvard global health institute. , probably for several months. but you might have to do it over and over again, since the outbreak could come in waves. "
Speculation - Pandemic Duration,42,will covid end,Yahoo Search,"may 1st, i think, is completely unrealistic, said dr. ashish jha, director of the harvard global health institute. , probably for several months. but you might have to do it over and over again, since the outbreak could come in waves. "
Speculation - Pandemic Duration,42,when covid will be over,Google Search,"may 1st, i think, is completely unrealistic, said dr. ashish jha, director of the harvard global health institute. , probably for several months. but you might have to do it over and over again, since the outbreak could come in waves. "
Speculation - Pandemic Duration,42,when covid lockdown ends,Google Search,"may 1st, i think, is completely unrealistic, said dr. ashish jha, director of the harvard global health institute. , probably for several months. but you might have to do it over and over again, since the outbreak could come in waves. "
Speculation - Pandemic Duration,42,will covid go away,Google Search,"may 1st, i think, is completely unrealistic, said dr. ashish jha, director of the harvard global health institute. , probably for several months. but you might have to do it over and over again, since the outbreak could come in waves. "
Speculation - Pandemic Duration,42,when covid will end,Yahoo Search,"may 1st, i think, is completely unrealistic, said dr. ashish jha, director of the harvard global health institute. , probably for several months. but you might have to do it over and over again, since the outbreak could come in waves. "

Download the data from

or you can use the sample processed data and put it in data folder

Define the Flows


To index the data we first need to define our Flow with a YAML file. In the Flow YAML file, we add Pods in sequence. In this demo, we have 5 pods defined with the names extractor, encoder, chunk_indexer, doc_indexer, and join_all.

However, we have another Pod working in silence. In fact, the input to the very first Pod is always the Pod with the name gateway, the "Forgotten" Pod. For most of the time, we can safely ignore the gateway because it basically does the dirty orchestration work for the Flow.

flow-index.yml Flow in Dashboard
    uses: pods/extract.yml
    uses: pods/encode.yml
    timeout_ready: 1200000
    read_only: true
    uses: pods/index-chunk.yml
    uses: pods/index-doc.yml
    needs: extractor
    uses: _merge
    needs: [doc_indexer, chunk_indexer]
    read_only: true

By default, the input of each Pod is the Pod defined right above it, and the request message flows from one Pod to another. That's how Flow lives up to its name. Of course, you might want to have a Pod skipping over the Pods above it. In this case, you would use the needs argument to specify the source of the input messages. In our example, the doc_indexer actually get inputs directly from the gateway. By doing this, we have two parallel pathways as shown in the index Flow diagram.

  uses: pods/index-doc.yml
  needs: gateway

As we can see, for most Pods, we only need to define the YAML file path. Given the YAML files, Jina will automatically build the Pods. Plus, timeout_ready is a useful argument when adding a Pod, which defines the waiting time before the Flow gives up on the Pod initializing.

  uses: pods/encode.yml
  timeout_ready: 60000

You might also notice the join_all Pod has a special YAML path. It denotes a built-in YAML path, which will merge all the incoming messages defined in needs.

  uses: _merge
  needs: [doc_indexer, chunk_indexer]

Overall, the index Flow has two pathways, as shown in the Flow diagram. The idea is to save the index and the contents seperately so that we can quickly retrieve the Document IDs from the index and afterwards combine the Document ID with its content.

The pathway on the right side with a single doc_indexer stores the Document content. Under the hood it is basically a key-value storage. The key is the Document ID and the value is the Document itself.

The pathway on the other side is for saving the index. From top to bottom, the first Pod, extractor, splits the documents into the sentence (as text) and the character name (as meta info). Both is stored with the document. Anyhow, only the text is later encoded into vectors by the encoder. These vectors are saved in a vector storage by chunk_indexer. Finally, the two pathways are merged by join_all and the processing of that message is concluded.


As in the indexing time, we also need a Flow to process the request message during querying. Here we directly start with the encoder with a shorter timeout_ready interval, since the model is already prefetched during indexing. Otherwise, it plays the same role as before, which is encoding the text into vectors. Later these vectors are used to retrieve the indexed texts by chunk_indexer.

flow-query.yml Flow in Dashboard
  read_only: true
  port_expose: $JINA_PORT
    uses: pods/encode.yml
    timeout_ready: 60000
    read_only: true
    uses: pods/index-chunk.yml
    polling: all
    uses_reducing: _merge_all
    uses: pods/index-doc.yml

In the last step, the doc_indexer comes into play. Sharing the same YAML file, doc_indexer will load the stored key-value index and retrieve the matched Documents according to the Document ID.

Let's take a closer look

Now the index and query Flows are both ready to work. Before proceeding, let's take a closer look at the two Flows and see the differences between them.

Obviously, they have different structures, although they share most Pods. This is a common practice in the Jina world for the sake of speed. Except for the extractor, both Flows can indeed use identical structures. The two-pathway design of the index Flow is intended to speed up message passing, because indexing Chunks and Documents can be done in parallel.

Another important difference is that the two Flows are used to process different types of request messages. To index a Document, we send an IndexRequest to the Flow. While querying, we send a SearchRequest. That's why Pods in both Flows can play different roles while sharing the same YAML files. Later, we will dive deep into into the YAML files, where we define the different ways of processing messages of various types.

Run the Flows


python -t index
Click here to see the console output

index flow console output

With the Flows, we can now write the code to run the Flow. For indexing, we start by defining the Flow with a YAML file. Afterwards, the load_config() function will do the magic to construct Pods and connect them together. After that, the IndexRequest will be sent to the flow by calling the index() function.

def index(num_docs):
    f = Flow().load_config("flow-index.yml")

    with f:

The content of the IndexRequest is fed from index_lines(), which loads the processed .csv file. Encoding the text with bert-family models takes a long time. To save your time, here we limit the number of indexed documents to 500.


python -t query
Click here to see the console output

query flow console output

For querying, we follow the same process to define and build the Flow from the YAML file. The search_lines() function is used to send a SearchRequest to the Flow. Here we accept the user's query input from the terminal and wrap it into a list of string.

def query(top_k):
    f = Flow().load_config("flow-query.yml")
    with f:
        while True:
            text = input("please type your covid related query: ")
            if not text:

            def ppr(x):
                print_topk(x, text)
            f.search_lines(lines=[text, ], output_fn=ppr, top_k=top_k)

The callback argument is used to post-process the returned message. In this demo, we define a simple print_topk function to show the results. The returned message resp in a Protobuf message. contains all the Documents for searching, and in our case there is only one Document. For each query Document, the matched Documents, .match_doc, together with the matching score, .score, are stored under the .topk_results as a repeated variable.

def print_topk(resp, sentence):
    for d in
        print(f"Jina Covid Bot🔮, Lets Burst your myths and present you real facts (No) {sentence}")
        for idx, match in enumerate(d.matches):

            score = match.score.value
            if score < 0.0:
            # answer = match.meta_info.decode()
            question = match.meta_info.decode()
            answer = match.text.strip()
            print(f'> {idx:>2d}({score:.2f}). {answer.upper()} Query , "{question}"')


As a convention in Jina, A YAML config is used to describe the properties of an object so that we can easily configure the behavior of the Pods without touching the code.

Here is the YAML file for the extractor. We first use the built-in TextExtractor as the executor in the Pod. The with field is used to specify the arguments passing to the __init__() function.

with: {}
  name: extractor
    [SearchRequest, IndexRequest]:
      - !CraftDriver
          method: craft

In the requests field, we define the different behaviors of the Pod for different requests. Remember that both the index and query Flows share the same Pods with the YAML files while they behave differently to the requests. This is how the magic works: For SearchRequest, IndexRequest, and, the extractor will use the CraftDriver. On the one hand, the Driver encodes the request messages in Protobuf format into a format that the Executor can understand (e.g. a Numpy array). On the other hand, the CraftDriver will call the craft() function from the Executor to handle the message and encode the processed results back into Protobuf format. For the time being, the extractor shows the same behavior for both requests.


The YAML file of the encoder is pretty similar to the extractor. As one can see, we specify the distilbert-base-cased model. One can easily switch to other fancy pretrained models from transformers by giving another pretrained_model_name_or_path.

  pooling_strategy: auto
  pretrained_model_name_or_path: distilbert-base-cased
  max_length: 96


In contrast to the Pods above, the doc_indexer behave differently depending on different requests. For the IndexRequest, the Pod uses DocPruneDriver and the DocKVIndexDRiver in sequence. The DocPruneDriver prunes the redundant data in the message that is not used by the downstream Pods. Here we discard all the data in the chunks field because we only want to save the Document level data.

  index_filename: doc.gzip
  name: docIndexer
  workspace: $TMP_WORKSPACE

For the SearchRequest, the Pod uses the same DocKVSearchDriver just like the IndexRequest.

      - !DocKVSearchDriver
        method: query


The YAML file for chunk_indexer is a little bit cumbersome. But take it easy: It is as straightforward as it should be. The executor in the chunk_indexer Pod is called ChunkIndexer, which wraps two other executors. The components field specifies the two wrapped executors: The NumpyIndexer stores the Chunks' vectors, and the BasePbIndexer is used as a key-value storage to save the Chunk ID and Chunk details.

  - !NumpyIndexer
      index_filename: vec.gz
      metric: cosine
      name: vecidx  # a customized name
      workspace: $TMP_WORKSPACE
  - !BinaryPbIndexer
      index_filename: chunk.gz
      name: chunkidx  # a customized name
      workspace: $TMP_WORKSPACE
  name: chunk_indexer
  workspace: $TMP_WORKSPACE

Just like the doc_indexer, the chunk_indexer has different behaviors for different requests. For the IndexRequest, the chunk_indexer uses three Drivers in serial, namely, VectorIndexDriver, PruneDriver, and KVIndexDriver. The idea is to first use VectorIndexDriver to call the index() function from the NumpyIndexer so that the vectors for all the Chunks are indexed. Then the PruneDriver prunes the message, and the KVIndexDriver calls the index() function from the BasePbIndexer. This behavior is defined in the executor field. The requests? field is not needed from jina 0.5.5 onwards but still needed in jina 0.5.4.

      - !VectorIndexDriver
          executor: NumpyIndexer
      - !PruneDriver
          level: chunk
            - embedding
            - buffer
            - blob
            - text
      - !KVIndexDriver
          level: chunk
          executor: BasePbIndexer

For the SearchRequest, the same procedure continues, but under the hood the KVSearchDriver and the VectorSearchDriver call the query() function from the NumpyIndexer and BasePbIndexer correspondingly.

      - !VectorSearchDriver
          executor: NumpyIndexer
      - !PruneDriver
          level: chunk
            - embedding
            - buffer
            - blob
            - text
      - !KVSearchDriver
          level: chunk
          executor: BasePbIndexer

Next Steps

  • Try other encoders or rankers.
  • Run the Pods in docker containers.
  • Scale up the indexing procedure.
  • Speed up the procedure by using read_only
  • Provide a Slackbot/Chatbot Interface
  • Allow voice input


The repository is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See [LICENSE] for the full license text.

About Based Covid Question Answering System







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