This is a little NodeJS project to allow inspircd to scale dynamically in docker swarm setups with overlay networks.
Your servers need to load m_httpd_rehash and listen on port 80.
They also need to do a http call to http://name-of-your-discovery-service:3000/conf/<hostname>
Further automatation comming soon. Including out-of-the-box working images.
Spin up a digital ocean droplet (tested) or a local VM and run the
When the script has sucessful finished it's work you get a worker token to add more node to the docker swarm already running 3 instances of inspircd.
wget -O- | sudo sh -
First of all we have to create a docker swarm. How to do this? See the docker tutorial
After creating a little swarm we start with the creation of the overlay network we use for communication between our InsIRCd nodes and the discovery.
We name it for example inspircd
docker network create \
--driver overlay \
--opt encrypted \
Time to setup the discovery...
docker service create \
--name discovery \
--network inspircd \
--env INSP_SERVICENAME=inspircd \
Now download the inspircd container sources, patch it with all needed modifications and build the docker image.
After building the image we create the service and scale it up to 3 instances which are automatically linked together.
git clone inspircd-docker
cd inspircd-docker
echo >> 0001-Changes-for-usage-of-insp-conf-discovery.patch
git am 0001-Changes-for-usage-of-insp-conf-discovery.patch
sed -i 's/perl-lwp-protocol-https wget gnutls-dev/perl-lwp-protocol-https gnutls-dev/' Dockerfile
docker build -t inspircd:latest .
docker service create \
--name inspircd \
--publish 6667:6667 \
--publish 6697:6697 \
--network inspircd \
docker service scale inspircd=3
Wanna test? Connect to any of your docker swarm nodes using your IRC client. Use port 6667 for plaintext and 6697 for tls encrypted ports.
It's amazing, isn't it?