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SOFe edited this page Aug 27, 2018 · 4 revisions

CustomForm (FormAPI/customui/PocketMine name: CustomForm, MCPE network name: custom_form) is a client builtin form type that shows an arbitrary number of elements in the order given by the server. Elements can be read-only or editable (requires a value input).

For non-players, elements are sent as messages one by one, until an editable element requires a value, then the user is required to run the cont command.



For players: Similar to a <p> in HTML, displaying the text in the text UserString attribute.

For non-players: Sends a line containing data in the text attribute.


For players: Similar to <label> <input type="text"> in HTML. The text UserString attribute is displayed in the label. The placeholder UserString attribute is displayed as gray text in the input if there is no input. The default attribute is set as the default string as-is.

For non-players: Sends these lines:

[?] TEXT
Answer by typing: CONT_NAME <PLACEHOLDER>`
Default: DEFAULT

CONT_NAME is the detected preferred name for the cont command. TEXT is the text UserString attribute. PLACEHOLDER is the placeholder UserString attribute, or "answer" if not set. The last line is only displayed if the default attribute is set, and the default value will be used if the user runs the cont command without arguments.

default is an empty string if no default is provided.


For players: Displays the text UserString attribute, followed by a toggle whose default state is set by the default boolean attribute.

For non-players: Sends these lines:

[?] TEXT
Answer by typing: CONT_NAME [true|false]
Default: DEfAULT

The default attribute is false if not provided.


For players: Displays the text UserString attribute, followed by a slider that ranges from min float attribute to max float attribute. If step float attribute is zero, the slider is continuous; otherwise, only min + n_step (where n_step is a multiple of step) values are allowed. The default state is set by the default float attribute.

For non-players: Sends these lines:

[?] TEXT
Answer by typing: CONT_NAME <answer>
Default: DEFAULT

The step attribute is not displayed, but will be validated together with the bounds when an input has been received.

The default float attribute is set as min by default. The step attribute is set as 0 by default.


For players: <select> can be displayed in two modes, determined by the mode attribute: the dropdown mode (default) is displayed like a <select> in HTML, and the slider mode is displayed like a slider (like the render distance option in client settings).

For non-players: Sends these lines:

[?] TEXT
Answer by typing: CONT_NAME <option>
Default: DEFAULT

The options can be either hardcoded or provided dynamically, but not both. Dynamic options are provided by the provider controller attribute (ListProvider). The provider is also responsible for assigning the default option. Hardcoded options are provided by <option> child elements. Each element contains

  • a required displayName UserString attribute for form UI display
  • a required commandName attribute for command UI input
  • a required value attribute, converted to the value type indicated in the valueType attribute of the <select>. If valueType is not set, the value is not converted and remains as a string.
  • an optional default boolean attribute to indicate which option is the default option. The first option is used if none of the children have this attribute set to true.
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