This is the interconnection agent implementation using Asyncio, Aiohttp and message queues
The controller runs a REST API and uses AMQP to communicate with the agents. Only a single instance can run on a specific virtualhost (for Rabbitmq). The controller is identified by a UUID.
The agent can be run in as many nodes as needed. They are identified by a UUID and a 12 bits integer that MUST be unique accross the federation.
In case of desynchronization with the controller, the agent dies.
The controller offers a REST API on the IP and port defined in the configuration file. It also offers a very simple and basic web GUI (http://:/gui)
A file containing curl command examples can be found in the examples folder.
The storage backend is a json file that can also be edited and populated before running the controller.
To run the controller without installation :
cd src
python3 controller/ -c ../../conf/controller.conf
To run the agent without installation :
cd src
python3 agent/ -c ../../conf/agent.conf