1.Basic operations with parentheses: +,-,*,/,%(mod)
2.Bitwise operations: ^(xor),|(or),&(and),>,<,~(complement)
3.Integer/Float (e.g. 3.14)/hexadecimal input (e.g. 0xf5)
4.Non-basic operators: #(sqrt), !(class)
5.Function operation: sin(x), cos(x), tan(x), fib(x) (the (int)x item of the Fibonacci period sequence), pow(x,y) (x to the power of y).
6.Keyword: pi(3.141592)
7.Set variables: all lowercase letters are acceptable (e.g. abc = 500)
8.Encountering any illegal characters will end the program (e.g. capital letters, Chinese)
Just run a.exe
Build from a.l and a.y
See .pptx