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A package to perform Bayesian source attribution of Campylobacter in R

An R package that connects to OpenBUGS via R2OpenBUGS to perform source attribution analysis multiple character data. The examples are focused on its application to MLST data from Campylobacter jejuni. This is a working implementation of 2 models: One using just the ST-type as the definition of genotype and the second using the 7 alleles, each as character definitions in the model. These two models have both been implemented with the MCMC running in R and the MCMC running in OpenBUGS.

The package contains a fake sample dataset that is used for testing and generating examples.


The package is dependent on the software OpenBUGS and the R package R2OpenBUGS, so you will need to install those before the package works. The following sections


  • Install R
  • Install OpenBUGS. Follow instructions here. Or you can run the following PowerShell script to install it with all defaults:
Invoke-WebRequest "" -OutFile "..\OpenBUGS323setup.exe";Start-Process -FilePath "..\OpenBUGS323setup.exe" -ArgumentList "/VERYSILENT" -NoNewWindow -Wait

Then install the package from github. When you install an R package, you need to make sure you have 'write permission' to the library location that you are installing to. If you do not have permission you will get an error. The best way to avoid this problem is to use a library location in your 'home' directory like: C:/Users/thomas.rosendal/Documents/. You can read more about managing libraries here. To actually install the package:

  1. Download the package from here

  2. Start R

  3. Navigate the directory that you saved the file to, perhaps your Downloads folder like this:

  4. Install the package like this:

    install.packages("", repos = NULL)
  5. Install R2OpenBUGS



Of course, first you need to install R. In order to use this package you also need to install OpenBUGS on your system. You can read about how to do that here or you can just run the script below in a terminal:

sudo apt-get install libc6-dev-i386
wget -O OpenBUGS.tar.gz ""
mkdir OpenBUGS
tar zxvf OpenBUGS.tar.gz -C OpenBUGS --strip-components=1
cd OpenBUGS
sudo make install
cd ..

Then install the package from github. You can do this in a few different ways depending on what you are comfortable with:

Use the ghit package to install from github source

Just run the following commands in R (You may not need to run the first two lines: install.packages() if you already have those packages installed)


Clone it build it, install it

  1. Clone this repository with git
  2. Navigate the the repository root and run make install
  3. Install the R2OpenBUGS package in R


See the instructions here to install OpenBUGS. After you have OpenBUGS you can clone and build the package from source as explained in the Linux section above; however this is untested.


Have a look at the Vignette

You can browse the vignette on Github or it also comes bundled with the package:

vignette("attribution", package = "kilde")

An example of running the model with ST level character data

## Load the library
## Get some data
df <- sample_data()
## This dataset contains 4 different countries, we'll pick Canada:
df <- df[df$country == "Canada",]
## We need to format the data to the form accepted by the model function.
ob <- dataformatting_ST(DATA = df, UM = 2)
## Initialize the mcmc data objects. Note: 100 iterations is too few.
result <- initialize_mcmc_ST(ob$ns, ob$STu, MCMC = 100, ob$Nisolates)
## Run the MCMC for the ST model in R
mcmc_ob <- runmcmc_ST(result = result,
           ob = ob,
           h = 0,
           FULL = 0)
## plot the history of the MCMC
plot_history(mcmc_ob, 50)
## plot the modelfit
plot_modelfit(mcmc_ob, 50)
## A summary of the model fit
summary_kilde(mcmc_ob, 50)
## The sample attribution
plot_sample_attribution(mcmc_ob, 50)
## a plot of the population attribution
plot_population_attribution(mcmc_ob, 50)
## We can run the same ST model in BUGS
## Then the same model in BUGS
## Initialize the MCMC objects
initial_result <- initialize_bugs_ST(ob)
## Run the model, this time with 1000 iterations, because bugs will
## throw an error if we try to run too few.
result_bugs <- run_bugs(result = initial_result,
                        ob = ob,
                        MCMC = 1000,
                        n.burnin = 100,
                        FULL = 0,
                        model = "SA_ST_model.jag",
                        n.chains = 1)
plot_history(result_bugs, 100)
plot_modelfit(result_bugs, 100)
summary_kilde(result_bugs, 100)
plot_sample_attribution(result_bugs, 100)
plot_population_attribution(result_bugs, 100)

The model estimated by using the Allele level results

## Read in a format data
df <- sample_data()
df <- df[df$country == "Canada",]
ob <- dataformatting(DATA = df,
                     UM = 2)
## Initialize and then run mcmc in R
result <- initialize_mcmc(ns = ob$inits$ns,
                          nat = ob$inits$nat,
                          MCMC = 100,
                          Nisolates = ob$inits$Nisolates)
mcmc_ob <- runmcmc(result, ob, MCMC = 100, h = 0, FULL = 0)
##  Plot the results of this model.
plot_history(mcmc_ob, 50)
plot_modelfit(mcmc_ob, 50)
summary_kilde(mcmc_ob, 50)
plot_sample_attribution(mcmc_ob, 50)
plot_population_attribution(mcmc_ob, 50)
## Initialize and then run the model in OpenBugs
## Below, BUGS model cannot handle a large number of MCMC iterations
## for all parameters.  Therefore, it is advisable to try with smaller
## number of iterations to start, perhaps 1000.
initial_result <- initialize_bugs(ob)
result_bugs <- run_bugs(result = initial_result,
                        ob = ob,
                        MCMC = 1000,
                        n.burnin = 100,
                        FULL = 0)
plot_history(result_bugs, 100)
plot_modelfit(result_bugs, 100)
summary_kilde(result_bugs, 100)
plot_sample_attribution(result_bugs, 100)
plot_population_attribution(result_bugs, 100)


  • Transition to JAGS
  • Multiple well described models, including existing models like the island model and HALD model.
  • Refactor code to reduce complexity of datacleaning/formatting
  • Break large functions into smaller components
  • Take more advantage of S3 classes to construct the internal wiring of the package
  • When code has been substantially improved add a model for N-alleles


R Package for Bayesian source attribution







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