OrchesPy is a library for NumPy programs to execute part of the program on accelerators by decorating functions.
Using OrchesPy requires the following packages.
- Python 3: tested with Python 3.8.
- NumPy 1.23.2: since CuPy and NLCPy require numpy>=1.17 and NLCPy requires numpy<=1.23.2.
- To run programs on VE, install NLCPy = 2.2.0 and its dependencies such as veoffload.
- To run programs on CUDA GPU, install CuPy = 11.0.0 and its dependencies such as CUDA toolkit working with your GPU.
- Install Inter-Device Copy Library = 0.1.0b1 for GPU-VE transfer.
To build OrchesPy, see also the section "Install from source".
You can install OrchesPy from PyPI or from source.
Execute the following command.
$ pip install orchespy
To build OrchesPy, install CUDA toolkit and veoffload (VEO) for CuPy and NLCPy. Download the source tree from GitHub.
$ git clone https://github.com/SX-Aurora/orchespy.git
Execute the following command.
$ cd orchespy
$ pip install .
PIP will install dependencies automatically, and build and install OrchesPy on your environment.
The BSD-3-Clause license (see LICENSE