WARNING: Public Repo
Make sure you have protoc-gen-go
$ cd s12-proto
$ go install google.golang.org/protobuf/cmd/protoc-gen-go
Run the generate command:
$ make generate
To generate and run tests:
make generate && make govalidator && make govalidator-valtest
Let's use protoc-gen-s12perm
package as an example which will generate an
example Go code from a protobuf file.
$ make s12perm
This command should generate an example file written in Go. Now we have to run the tests to make sure the generated file works as expected.
In this case, the new file should be located at
- Install Go
- Install Protocol Buffer Compiler via Homebrew
brew install protobuf
- Install gRPC view Homebrew
brew install gRPC
$ make cruxclient
This command will first compile the crux code generator as a protoc plugin and install it to the system bin directory. Then it will be used to generate custom crux code in c++.