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Take a Note

A minimalistic notes app created using MERN stack


Checkout the demo below:


A full stack MERN app made for creating, storing and deleting notes like any Notes-App. Built an extensive backend API with Node.js & Express and integrated the React frontend to work with the API in the backend.

Technologies Used

  • React
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • MongoDB
  • Heroku

Chrome extension

A chrome extension for the same app is built in the chrome-extension branch. To enable the extension on your device follow the steps given here.

Checkout the demo below:

Installation and Setup

  • Download the code for the app here.
  • Install dependencies and run the app on local server.
# Install dependencies for server
npm install
# Install dependencies for client
npm run client-install
# Run the client & server with concurrrently 
npm run dev
  • The App will be running on localhost:8000 and the client site at localhost:3000


MongoDB is currently at localhost:27017. To connect a MongoDB-Atlas cluster with the app for database, follow the steps given at this page. After obtaining the connection string, replace the 'url' as given below:

cd api/config/db-url
# insert your username and password to get access to the database
url: mongodb+srv://


The app is made deployment-ready for Heroku by adding some specific elements.

  • Database connected to MongoDB-Atlas cluster.
  • CreateProcfile to declare process types.
  • Built static assets for the client site by adding 'heroku-postbuild' to scripts in package.json.
  "heroku-postbuild": "NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=false npm install -prefix client && npm run build -prefix client"



The MIT Licence (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2020 Sakshi Lajurkar