- VSCode.
- Arduino.
- Carte Raspberry pi 3 B+.
- Carte Arduino UNO.
- DHT22:
- Capture the temperature using DHT22.
- Capture the humidity using DHT22.
- Water temperature sensor (DS18B20):
- PH sensor (Pro SKU SEN0169):
- 2 Fans.
- Verin.
- Relay a 4:
Sensor test:
- DHT22 (5s):
- All senser Test(Arduino): @ DTH22_Potentiometer/DTH22_Potentiometer.ino
- Connect your Carte Arduino to a carte Raspberry pi 3 B+ with a USB Cable.
- Install Python 3.9 in Raspberry pi 3 B+.
- Install Arduino in Raspberry pi 3 B+.
- Install VSCode in Raspberry pi 3B+.
- Create Python code to save DHT22 data in an excel file.
- Every day (24H) save a new excel file.
- import_csv.py(For send data to Excel and Firebase).
- Create file Excel:
- Send Data to Firebase:
- Send Data to ile Excel and Firebases:
- Realization of the voice assistant
To fully understand the ins and outs, it is important to understand the basics that make up a voice assistant. To do this, we divide this operation into 4 main steps:
- The capture of the voice.
- Converting voice to text.
- Natural Language Understanding (NLU).
- Text To Speech.
- Sensor test voice assistant(Dependencies)(lily.py): Voice Commands:
- What is your name?
- What time is it?
- What date for today?
- What is the temperature value?
- What is the humidity value?
- What is the weather in?
- What is the pH in?
- Play music "YouTube"
- Every day (24H) send rapport to Gmail(Data Aquaponics)(chartsmail.py).
- Send Mail when the temperature is > a temperature normal (fans.py):
- For run all program: main.py