This repository contains all the codes related to Data Structures and Algorithms.
- All the codes implemented here are written in C, C++ & Python language.
- The questions have been solved from the excel sheet in the repository
Implementation as an Abstract Data Type
Linear Search & Binary Search
Important Questions
- First Repeating Element
- Maximum Sum SubArray Array (Kadane's Algorithm)
- Maximum Sum Circular Subarray
- Pair Target Sum Problem
- Smallest Positive Missing Number
- SubArray with Given Sum
2D Arrays
- Printing a matrix in spiral form
- Convert a matrix to it's transpose
- Sort all the elements of the matrix (row and column wise)
- Rotate a matrix by 90 degrees in anticlockwise direction
- Creation & Traversal
- Insertion at - Front, End, Specific Index, After a Specific Node
- Deletion from - Front, End, Specific Index, Value of Node
- Circular Linked List - Traversal & Insertion at front
- Selection Sort
- Bubble Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Adding two binary numbers
- Finding the number of set bits in a positive number
- Finding the number of bits to be flipped to convert A to B.
- Check if N is a power of 2
- Find the position of the only set bit in a number
- Factorial of a number
- Print Numbers from 1 to N
- Sorting Array in ascending order
- Tower Of Hanoi Problem
- Printing Subsets of a given string (PowerSet)
- Generating all Balanced Paranthesis for a given number of brackets
- Josephus problem
- 0/1 Knapsack using recursion
- 0/1 Knapsack using recursion+memoization