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Unix programming


Linux os


- Ubuntu 16.04, 20.04.
- Fedora
- Debian

Experiment Environment

  • Fedora/Ubuntu/Red Hat Enterprise/CentOS

    • The CSIE server: Ubuntu
    • My laptop: Ubuntu 16.04
  • With GNU tool-chain

    • gcc (the C compiler)
    • gdb (the GNU debugger)

Why learning UNIX?

  • Academic research
    • Lots of open-source free software
    • Innovative software appears on UNIX first
    • Network computing research (cluster/grid)
    • Embedded system and SoC (system-on-chip)
    • Most of embedded software are Linux-based
     - Make me more familiar on playing computer!

Topics Covered

  • UNIX architecture
  • File System Operations
  • Terminal I/O
  • Concurrent Programming
  • process/thread, signals, semaphores, IPC, etc.
  • Network Computing
  • Socket, RPC


  • Setup my Linux environment

    • Use the embedded system LAB (dual-boot w/ Fedora)
    • Use my own computer
      • Most of Linux distribution (e.g. Fedora 9+) supports dual-boot
      • I can still have my M$-Windows with Linux
  • Test the following software works

    • Shells: bash, tcsh, etc
    • Programming tools: gcc, gdb, make
    • My favorite X-window: KDE/Gnome
    • My favorite GUI debugger (ddd, kdbg, etc.)
    • My favorite text editor (kwrite, emacs, vi, etc.)

First UNIX instruction I should learn

  • man
    • man command to look for how to use certain command
      • Example: man gcc
  • info
    • Example: info gcc for detailed manual of gcc compiler

Projects introduction

  1. Write the first program:

    • Write the Makefile to build the executable program in sub-folder hw_01.

      • Three functions spread across multiple files: main, calculate, mult.
      • There is no source code for function mult, only the compiled object code in lib_mult.a.
      • The correct execution result is X=610.
    • The executable program I build should:

      • Correctly execute, and
      • Be able to run in a debugger
  2. Define my own fstream class.

    • Build a standard C++ class using system calls.
    • Write a class named myfstream.
      • Similar functionality to the standard C++ class fstream.
      • Contains at least these methods:
        • Open
        • Close
        • Read
        • Write
        • Operator <<
        • Operator >>
    • Requirements to my program(Learn how C/C++ standard libraries are built):
      • Build the library and deliver to other users.
        • Separate .h file.
        • Build the library file libmyfstream.a.
      • Test my program by other users.
        • Deliver only .h and .a files.
        • C++ source code on methods implementation should not be delivered to the test users.
      • I am not allowed to use any C/C++ standard library functions/classes.
        • Only UNIX system calls are allowed.
  3. Recursive into a directory tree and visit each file.

    • Program to:
      • Recursion into a directory tree and visit each file.
      • Print out file name and the number of lines in each file.
        • Assume each file is a text file.

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  4. On-line messenger.

    • Suppose I want to write such a program:
      • List all my friends on-line.
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      • Send a message to one of my friends.
    • What do I need to know?
      • A simple messenger to send a string to other’s terminal.
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  5. Database management program with auto recovery.

    • A database management program with auto recovery.
    • Back-end Process:
      • Always alive even the front-end is closed.
      • Store data in a linked list.
    • Auto-Recovery:
      • Automatic save data to disk:
        • Ctrl+c

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  6. Matrix mulplication in parallel.

    • Goal:
      • Guide me to write parallel program computing the dot-product.
      • With shared memory mechanism of UNIX.
    • Write a dot-product with pthread.
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    • I may modify from pthread_acc.
    • Estimate the execution time and compare to sequential execution.

Final project Introduction

  • There are three projects that I could choose.
    1. Parallel sorting over 1M floating-point numbers

      • Sort 1M floating point numbers in non-descending order.
      • Execute on a 4-core PC.
      • Scored by the execution time, the smaller is better.
    2. File syncing to the cloud

      • Major Function: sync all files in a dedicated directory to a remote server.
        • Like dropbox
         - Not contributing much system workload
      • Expected Result:
        • Automatic backup files (in a flat directory) to another directory.
      • Extra Function:
        • Automatic upload to a remote server.
        • Automatic sync the whole directory tree.
    3. Login shell

      • A shell program capable of execution a single command each time.
        • Basic functionality:
          • cd, mkdir, set environment variables.
          • Automatic path search.
        • Single machine.
        • Login shell through network.
      • Bonus:
        • Redirect outcome to files.
        • Piped job execution.
        • Execute background job.
  • I chose the first selection one as my final project: Matrix mulplication in parallel.