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Tool for robust segmentation of 104 important anatomical structures in CT images


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Tool for segmentation of 104 classes in CT images. It was trained on a wide range of different CT images (different scanners, institutions, protocols,...) and therefore should work well on most images. The training dataset with 1204 subjects can be downloaded from Zenodo. You can also try the tool online at

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Created by the department of Research and Analysis at University Hospital Basel.
If you use it please cite our Radiology AI paper. Please also cite nnUNet since TotalSegmentator is heavily based on it.


TotalSegmentator works on Ubuntu, Mac and Windows and on CPU and GPU (on CPU it is slow).

Install dependencies:

  • Python >= 3.7
  • Pytorch >= 1.12.1
  • You should not have any nnU-Net installation in your python environment since TotalSegmentator will install its own custom installation.


  • if you input DICOM images and run on MacOS you have to install dcm2niix
  • if you use the option --preview you have to install xvfb (apt-get install xvfb)
  • for faster resampling you can use cucim (pip install cupy-cuda11x cucim)

Install Totalsegmentator

pip install TotalSegmentator


TotalSegmentator -i ct.nii.gz -o segmentations

Note: A Nifti file or a folder of DICOM images is allowed as input

Note: If a CUDA compatible GPU is available TotalSegmentator will automatically use it. Otherwise it will use the CPU, which is a lot slower and should only be used with the --fast option.

Note: You can also try it online: (supports dicom files)

Note: This is not a medical device and not intended for clinical usage.

Advanced settings

  • --fast: For faster runtime and less memory requirements use this option. It will run a lower resolution model (3mm instead of 1.5mm).
  • --preview: This will generate a 3D rendering of all classes, giving you a quick overview if the segmentation worked and where it failed (see preview.png in output directory).
  • --ml: This will save one nifti file containing all labels instead of one file for each class. Saves runtime during saving of nifti files. (see here for index to class name mapping).
  • --roi_subset: Takes a space separated list of class names (e.g. spleen colon brain) and only saves those classes. Saves runtime during saving of nifti files.
  • --statistics: This will generate a file statistics.json with volume (in mm³) and mean intensity of each class.
  • --radiomics: This will generate a file statistics_radiomics.json with radiomics features of each class. You have to install pyradiomics to use this (pip install pyradiomics).


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We added some more models to TotalSegmentator beyond the default one. This allows segmentation of even more classes in more detailed subparts of the image. First you have to run TotalSegmentator with the normal settings to get the normal masks. These masks are required to crop the image to a subregion on which the detailed model will run.

TotalSegmentator -i ct.nii.gz -o segmentations --fast
TotalSegmentator -i ct.nii.gz -o segmentations -ta lung_vessels

Overview of available subtasks and the classes which they contain.

Openly available:

  • lung_vessels: lung_vessels (cite paper), lung_trachea_bronchia
  • cerebral_bleed: intracerebral_hemorrhage (cite paper)
  • hip_implant: hip_implant
  • coronary_arteries: coronary_arteries
  • body: body, body_trunc, body_extremities, skin
  • pleural_pericard_effusion: pleural_effusion (cite paper), pericardial_effusion (cite paper)

Available after purchase of a license (free licenses possible for academic projects). Contact if you are interested:

  • bones_extremities: femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsal, metatarsal, phalanges_feet, humerus, ulna, radius, carpal, metacarpal, phalanges_hand, sternum, skull, spinal_cord
  • tissue_types: subcutaneous_fat, skeletal_muscle, torso_fat
  • heartchambers_highres: myocardium, atrium_left, ventricle_left, atrium_right, ventricle_right, aorta, pulmonary_artery (more precise heart chamber segmentation, trained on sub-millimeter resolution)
  • head: mandible, teeth, brainstem, subarachnoid_cavity, venous_sinuses, septum_pellucidum, cerebellum, caudate_nucleus, lentiform_nucleus, insular_cortex, internal_capsule, ventricle, central_sulcus, frontal_lobe, parietal_lobe, occipital_lobe, temporal_lobe, thalamus, tyroid (trained on sub-millimeter resolution)
  • aortic_branches: brachiocephalic_trunc, subclavian_artery_right, subclavian_artery_left, common_carotid_artery_right, common_carotid_artery_left, brachiocephalic_vein_left, brachiocephalic_vein_right, atrial_appendage_left, superior_vena_cava, pulmunary_vein, tyroid

Run via docker

We also provide a docker container which can be used the following way

docker run --gpus 'device=0' --ipc=host -v /absolute/path/to/my/data/directory:/tmp wasserth/totalsegmentator_container:master TotalSegmentator -i /tmp/ct.nii.gz -o /tmp/segmentations

Resource Requirements

Totalsegmentator has the following runtime and memory requirements (using a Nvidia RTX 3090 GPU):
(1.5mm is the normal model and 3mm is the --fast model)

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If you want to reduce memory consumption you can use the following options:

  • --body_seg: This will crop the image to the body region before processing it
  • --force_split: This will split the image into 3 parts and process them one after another
  • --nr_thr_saving 1: Saving big images with several threads will take a lot of memory

Train / validation / test split

The exact split of the dataset can be found in the file meta.csv inside of the dataset. This was used for the validation in our paper.
The exact numbers of the results for the high resolution model (1.5mm) can be found here. The paper shows these numbers in the supplementary materials figure 11. To aggregate results across subjects and classes the following approach was taken: For each class in each subject calculate the (Dice) score, then take the average of all scores (micro averaging). If a class is not present on an image (e.g. the brain is not present on images of the legs) then exclude this value from the calculation.

Note: The model was trained on unblurred images. The published training dataset, however, has blurred faces for data privacy reasons. Therefore, models trained on the public dataset cannot be directly compared to our pretrained model. In the future we plan to provide a version of our model which was trained on the public blurred dataset so people can compare to this as a baseline.

Retrain model on your own

You have to download the data and then follow the instructions of nnU-Net how to train a nnU-Net. We trained a 3d_fullres model and the only adaptation to the default training is setting the number of epochs to 4000 and deactivating mirror data augmentation. The adapted trainer can be found here. For combining the single masks into one multilabel file you can use the function combine_masks_to_multilabel_file in totalsegmentator.libs.

Other commands

If you want to combine some subclasses (e.g. lung lobes) into one binary mask (e.g. entire lung) you can use the following command:

totalseg_combine_masks -i totalsegmentator_output_dir -o combined_mask.nii.gz -m lung

Normally weights are automatically downloaded when running TotalSegmentator. If you want to manually download the weights (download links see here) and copy them into the right directory so TotalSegmentator can find them use this:

totalseg_import_weights -i

Python API

You can run totalsegmentator via python:

from totalsegmentator.python_api import totalsegmentator

totalsegmentator(input_path, output_path)

Install latest master branch (contains latest bug fixes)

pip install git+

Typical problems

When you get the following error message

ITK ERROR: ITK only supports orthonormal direction cosines. No orthonormal definition found!

you should do

pip install SimpleITK==2.0.2


TotalSegmentator (starting in v1.5.4) sends anonymous usage statistics to help us improve it further. You can deactivate it by setting send_usage_stats to false in ~/.totalsegmentator/config.json.


For more details see our Radiology AI paper (freely available preprint). If you use this tool please cite it as follows

Wasserthal, J., Breit, H.-C., Meyer, M.T., Pradella, M., Hinck, D., Sauter, A.W., Heye, T., Boll, D., Cyriac, J., Yang, S., Bach, M., Segeroth, M., 2023. TotalSegmentator: Robust Segmentation of 104 Anatomic Structures in CT Images. Radiology: Artificial Intelligence.

Please also cite nnUNet since TotalSegmentator is heavily based on it.
Moreover, we would really appreciate if you let us know what you are using this tool for. You can also tell us what classes we should add in future releases. You can do so here.

Class details

The following table shows a list of all classes.

TA2 is a standardised way to name anatomy. Mostly the TotalSegmentator names follow this standard. For some classes they differ which you can see in the table below.

Here you can find a mapping of the TotalSegmentator classes to SNOMED-CT codes.

Index TotalSegmentator name TA2 name
1 spleen
2 kidney_right
3 kidney_left
4 gallbladder
5 liver
6 stomach
7 aorta
8 inferior_vena_cava
9 portal_vein_and_splenic_vein hepatic portal vein
10 pancreas
11 adrenal_gland_right suprarenal gland
12 adrenal_gland_left suprarenal gland
13 lung_upper_lobe_left superior lobe of left lung
14 lung_lower_lobe_left inferior lobe of left lung
15 lung_upper_lobe_right superior lobe of right lung
16 lung_middle_lobe_right middle lobe of right lung
17 lung_lower_lobe_right inferior lobe of right lung
18 vertebrae_L5
19 vertebrae_L4
20 vertebrae_L3
21 vertebrae_L2
22 vertebrae_L1
23 vertebrae_T12
24 vertebrae_T11
25 vertebrae_T10
26 vertebrae_T9
27 vertebrae_T8
28 vertebrae_T7
29 vertebrae_T6
30 vertebrae_T5
31 vertebrae_T4
32 vertebrae_T3
33 vertebrae_T2
34 vertebrae_T1
35 vertebrae_C7
36 vertebrae_C6
37 vertebrae_C5
38 vertebrae_C4
39 vertebrae_C3
40 vertebrae_C2
41 vertebrae_C1
42 esophagus
43 trachea
44 heart_myocardium
45 heart_atrium_left
46 heart_ventricle_left
47 heart_atrium_right
48 heart_ventricle_right
49 pulmonary_artery pulmonary arteries
50 brain
51 iliac_artery_left common iliac artery
52 iliac_artery_right common iliac artery
53 iliac_vena_left common iliac vein
54 iliac_vena_right common iliac vein
55 small_bowel small intestine
56 duodenum
57 colon
58 rib_left_1
59 rib_left_2
60 rib_left_3
61 rib_left_4
62 rib_left_5
63 rib_left_6
64 rib_left_7
65 rib_left_8
66 rib_left_9
67 rib_left_10
68 rib_left_11
69 rib_left_12
70 rib_right_1
71 rib_right_2
72 rib_right_3
73 rib_right_4
74 rib_right_5
75 rib_right_6
76 rib_right_7
77 rib_right_8
78 rib_right_9
79 rib_right_10
80 rib_right_11
81 rib_right_12
82 humerus left
83 humerus right
84 scapula_left
85 scapula_right
86 clavicula_left clavicle
87 clavicula_right clavicle
88 femur left
89 femur right
90 hip_left hip bone
91 hip_right hip bone
92 sacrum
93 face
94 gluteus_maximus_left gluteus maximus muscle
95 gluteus_maximus_right gluteus maximus muscle
96 gluteus_medius_left gluteus medius muscle
97 gluteus_medius_right gluteus medius muscle
98 gluteus_minimus_left gluteus minimus muscle
99 gluteus_minimus_right gluteus minimus muscle
100 autochthon_left
101 autochthon_right
102 iliopsoas_left iliopsoas muscle
103 iliopsoas_right iliopsoas muscle
104 urinary_bladder


Tool for robust segmentation of 104 important anatomical structures in CT images







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  • Python 93.7%
  • HCL 5.0%
  • Other 1.3%