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[ACM EuroSys'24] Dordis: Efficient Federated Learning with Dropout-Resilient Differential Privacy


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Dordis: Efficient Federated Learning with Dropout-Resilient Differential Privacy (ACM EuroSys 2024)

This repository contains the evaluation artifacts of our paper titled Dordis: Efficient Federated Learning with Dropout-Resilient Differential Privacy, which will be presented at ACM EuroSys'24 conference. You can find the paper here.

Zhifeng Jiang, Wei Wang, Ruichuan Chen

Keywords: Federated Learning, Distributed Differential Privacy, Client Dropout, Secure Aggregation, Pipeline

Abstract (Tab here to expand)

Federated learning (FL) is increasingly deployed among multiple clients to train a shared model over decentralized data. To address privacy concerns, FL systems need to safeguard the clients' data from disclosure during training and control data leakage through trained models when exposed to untrusted domains. Distributed differential privacy (DP) offers an appealing solution in this regard as it achieves a balanced tradeoff between privacy and utility without a trusted server. However, existing distributed DP mechanisms are impractical in the presence of client dropout, resulting in poor privacy guarantees or degraded training accuracy. In addition, these mechanisms suffer from severe efficiency issues.

We present Dordis, a distributed differentially private FL framework that is highly efficient and resilient to client dropout. Specifically, we develop a novel add-then-remove scheme that enforces a required noise level precisely in each training round, even if some sampled clients drop out. This ensures that the privacy budget is utilized prudently, despite unpredictable client dynamics. To boost performance, Dordis operates as a distributed parallel architecture via encapsulating the communication and computation operations into stages. It automatically divides the global model aggregation into several chunk-aggregation tasks and pipelines them for optimal speedup. Large-scale deployment evaluations demonstrate that Dordis efficiently handles client dropout in various realistic FL scenarios, achieving the optimal privacy-utility tradeoff and accelerating training by up to 2.4× compared to existing solutions.

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Prerequisites
    • Necessary dependencies installation before anything begins.
  3. Simulation
    • Learn how to run experiment in simulation mode.
  4. Cluster Deployment
    • Learn how to run experiments in a distributed manner.
  5. Reproducing Experimental Results
    • Learn how to reproduce paper experiments.
  6. Repo Structure
    • What are contained in the project root folder.
  7. Support
  8. License
  9. Citation

1. Overview

The system supports two modes of operation:

  1. Simulation: This mode allows you to run experiments on a local machine or GPU server. It is primarily used for validating functionality, privacy, or utility.
  2. Cluster Deployment: This mode enables you to run experiments on an AWS EC2 cluster funded by your own account. Alternatively, you can also run experiments on an existing cluster of Ubuntu nodes (currently undocumented). Cluster Deployment Mode is typically used for evaluating runtime performance.

2. Prerequisites

To work with the project, you need to have a Python 3 Anaconda environment set up in your host machine (Ubuntu system assumed) with specific dependencies installed. To simplify the setup process, we provide a shortcut:

# assumes you are working from the project folder
cd exploration/dev
conda activate dordis


  1. Most the dependencies will be installed in a newly created environment called dordis, minimizing interference with your original system setup.
  2. However, please note that the redis-server application needs to be installed at the system level with sudo previlige, as mentioned in the Line 49-52 of the script. If you do not have sudo privileges, you can follow the instructions provided here to install Redis without root access. In that case, you should comment out these lines before executing the command bash

3. Simulation

3.1 Preparing Working Directory

Start by choosing a name for the working directory. For example, let's use ae-simulator in the following instructions.

# assumes you are working from the project folder
cd exploration
cp -r simulation_folder_template ae-simulator
cd ae-simulator

3.2 Run Experiments

To run an experiment with a specific configuration file in the background, follow these steps:

bash start_a_task [target folder]/[target configuration file]

The primarily logged information will be output to the following file:

[target folder]/[timestamp]/dordis-coordinator/log.txt


  1. When you execute the above command, the command line will prompt you with [timestamp], which represents the relevant timestamp and output folder.
  2. You can use the script for task-related control. You don't need to remember the commands because the prompt will inform you whenever you start a task. Here are a few examples:
    # To kill a task halfway
    bash kill_a_task [target folder]/[timestamp]
    # To analyze the output and generate insightful figures/tables
    bash analyze_a_task [target folder]/[timestamp]

3.3 Batch Tasks to Run

The simulator also supports batching tasks to run. You can specify the tasks to run in the background by writing them in the batch_plan.txt file, as shown below:

[target folder]/[target configuration file]
[target folder]/[target configuration file]
[target folder]/[target configuration file]

To sequentially run the tasks in a batch, execute the following command:

bash batch_plan.txt

The execution log will be available at batch_log.txt.


  1. To stop the batching logic halfway and prevent it from issuing any new tasks, you can use the command kill -9 [pid]. The [pid] value can be found at the beginning of the file batch_log.txt.
  2. If you want to stop a currently running task halfway, you can kill it using the command bash kill_a_task [...], as explained in the previous subsection. The information needed to kill the job will also be available in the log.

4. Cluster Deployment

You can initiate the cluster deployment process either from your local host machine (ensuring a stable network connection) or from a dedicated remote node specifically designed for coordination purposes (we thus call it the coordinator node). It is important to note that the remote node does not necessarily need to be a powerful machine.

4.1 Install and Configure AWS CLI

Before proceeding, please ensure that you have an AWS account. Additionally, on the coordinator node, it is essential to have the latest version of aws-cli installed and properly configured with the necessary credentials. This configuration will allow us to conveniently manage all the nodes in the cluster remotely using command-line tools.


  1. Install AWS CLI.
    • Example command for installing into Linux x86 (64-bit):
    # You can work from any directory, e.g., at your home directory
    curl "" -o ""
    sudo apt install unzip
    sudo ./aws/install
  2. Configure AWS CLI.
    • Example command for configuring one's AWS CLI:
    # You can work from any directory, e.g., at your home directory
    aws configure
    You will be prompted to enter your AWS Access Key ID, AWS Secret Access Key, Default region name, and Default output format. Provide the required information as prompted.

4.2 Configure and Allocate a Cluster

To begin, let's choose a name for the working directory. For example, we can use ae-cluster as the name throughout this section (please note that this name should not be confused with the above-mentioned simulator folder).

# assumes you are working from the project folder
cd exploration
cp -r cluster_folder_template ae-cluster
cd ae-cluster

# make some modifications that suit your need/budget
# 1. EC2-related
# relevant key:
#   BlockDeviceMappings/Ebs/VolumeSize: how large is the storage of each node
#   KeyName: the path to the key file (relative to ~/.ssh/) you plan to use to 
#            log into each node of the cluster from your coordinator node
vim ../dev/ec2_node_template.yml
# 2. cluster-related
# relevant key:
#     type and region for the server each client, and
#     count and bandwidth for each client
#     (the provided images are specifically for Ubuntu 18.04)
vim ec2_cluster_config.yml
# 3. minor
# relevant value: LOCAL_PRIVATE_KEY
#     set the value the same as KeyName mentioned above

Then one can launch a cluster from scratch:

bash launch


  1. The script provides a range of cluster-related controls for your convenience. Here are some examples of how to use it:

    # start an already launch cluster
    bash start
    # stop a running cluster
    bash stop
    # restart a running cluster
    bash reboot
    # terminate an already launch cluster
    bash terminate
    # show the public IP addresses for each node
    bash show
    # scale up/down an existing cluster 
    # (with the ec2_cluster_config.yml modified correspondingly)
    bash scale
    # configure the bandwidth for each client node
    # (with the ec2_cluster_config.yml modified correspondingly)
    bash limit_bandwidth
    # reset the bandwidth for each node
    bash free_bandwidth

4.3 Setting Up the Cluster

Execute the following commands:

bash install
bash deploy_cluster


  1. Additionally, the script offers a wide range of app-related controls. Here are a couple of examples:
    # update all running nodes' Github repo
    bash update
    # add pip package to the used conda environment for all running nodes
    bash add_pip_dependency [package name (w/ or w/o =version)]
    # add apt package for all running nodes (recall that we are using Ubuntu)
    bash add_apt_dependency [package name (w/ or w/o =version)]

4.4 Run Experiments

Like what in simulation, once you have a running cluster, you can start a task with distributed deployment by running commands like:

bash start_a_task [target folder]/[target configuration file]


  1. After you execute the above command, the command line will prompt you with [timestamp], which represents the relevant timestamp and output folder.
  2. To control the task, you can use the following commands with
    # for killing the task halfway
    bash kill_a_task [target folder]/[timestamp]
    # for fetching logs from all running nodes to the coordinator
    # (i.e., the machine where you type this command)
    bash conclude_a_task [target folder]/[timestamp]
    # for analyzing the collected log to generate some insightful figures/tables
    # Do it only after the command ... conclude_a_task ... has been executed successfully
    bash analyze_a_task [target folder]/[timestamp]

4.5 Batch Tasks to Run

In addition to running tasks individually, the cluster mode also supports batch execution of tasks. To run a batch of tasks in the background, you need to specify the tasks to be executed in the batch_plan.txt file using the following format:

[target folder]/[target configuration file]
[target folder]/[target configuration file]
[target folder]/[target configuration file]

Then you can sequentially execute them as a batch by running the following command:

bash batch_plan.txt

The execution log will be generated and can be found at batch_log.txt.


  1. If you need to terminate the batch execution before completion, you can use the command kill -9 [pid] to stop the batching logic. The process ID pid can be found at the beginning of the log file.
  2. If you want to stop a specific task that is currently running, you can use the command bash kill_a_task [...] as explained in the subsection above. The necessary information for killing a job, denoted by [...], can also be found in the log file.

5. Reproducing Experimental Results

5.1 Major Claims

  • Our noise enforcement scheme, XNoise, guarantees the consistent achievement of the desired privacy level, even in the presence of client dropout, while maintaining the model utility. This claim is supported by the simulation experiment (E1) outlined in Section 6.2 of the paper, with the corresponding results presented in Figure 8, Table 2, and Figure 9.
  • The XNoise scheme introduces acceptable runtime overhead, with the network overhead being scalable with respect to the model's expanding size. This can be proven by the cluster experiment (E2) described in Section 6.3 of the paper, whose results are reported in Figure 10 and Table 3.
  • The pipeline-parallel aggregation design employed by Dordis significantly boosts training speed, leading to a remarkable improvement of up to 2.4X in the training round time. This finding is supported by the cluster experiment (E3) discussed in Section 6.4, and the corresponding results are depicted in Figure 10.

5.2 Experiments

Note: for certain conclusions that require extensive analysis, we have included instructions for both full experiments (Full) and minimal executable examples (Minimal).

E1 [Effectiveness of Noise Enforcement]

  • Preparation Before proceeding with the simulation, please ensure that you have followed the instructions provided in Section 3.1 to prepare your working directory.

  • Execution and Expected Results

    • Step 1: Reproducing Figure 8 can be accomplished by running the following commands. This step should only take a few seconds to complete. After this step, you should be able to replicate the exact images presented in Figure 8.
    # starting from the exploration/ae-simulator directory
    cd privacy
    # after which you should replicate exactly Figure 8
    • Step 2 [Full]: To reproduce Figure 9 and Table 2, execute the following commands for batch processing. Please note that this step may require a significant amount of time to finish. The duration can vary depending on the computational resources available. For example, when we used a node with an Intel Xeon 16 Cores 32 Threads E5-2683V4 2.1GHz processor and 8 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti GPUs exclusively for this simulation, it took us approximately one to two months. Should you have either faster CPUs or faster GPUs, the time cost should be reduced. If you have faster CPUs or GPUs, the processing time should be reduced.
    # starting from exploration/ae-simulator
    bash batch_plan.txt
    • Step 2 [Minimal]: We also provide a minimal version of the above step, which only reproduces the sub-figure (a) of Figure 9 and the particular cell that corresponds to FEMNIST with d=20% in Table 2. It should take one to two days (or less should you have better GPUs or CPUs than ours, see the above description).
    # starting from exploration/ae-simulator
    bash batch_plan_minimal.txt
    • Step 3 [Full]: Once Step 2 [Full] completes successfully, proceed with the following fast commands to visualize the collected data. These commands should only take a few seconds to execute. You should be able to replicate similar results as the ones presented by Table 2 and Figure 9.
    # starting from exploration/ae-simulator
    cd utility
    # after which you should replicate results similar to Table 2
    cd ..
    cd experiments
    # after which you should replicate results similar to Figure 9
    • Step 3 [Minimal]: Once Step 2 [Minimal] finishes, proceed with the following fast commands to visualize the collected data. These commands should only take a few seconds to execute. You should be able to replicate similar results as the ones presented by part of the Table 2 and Figure 9.
    # starting from exploration/ae-simulator
    cd utility_minimal
    # after which you should replicate one cell of Table 2 (FEMNIST, d=20%) with similar data
    cd ..
    cd experiments
    # after which you should replicate the FEMNIST part of Figure 9 with similar data

E2 [Efficiency of Noise Enforcement]

  • Preparation Before proceeding with the experiment, please ensure that you have followed the instructions provided in Section 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 and enter the folder exploration/ae-cluster.

  • Execution and Expected Results

    • Step 1: To reproduce Table 3, perform the following deterministic calculations using the provided commands. This step should take less than one second to complete. After this step, you are expected to see the exact Table 3 in the command line.
    # starting from the exploration/ae-cluster directory
    cd network
    • Step 2: Start the allocated AWS EC2 cluster and set the bandwidth limit using the following commands. This step will take approximately two to three minutes to complete:
    # starting from the exploration/ae-cluster directory
    # if the cluster is not started
    bash start
    # if the cluster is just started, wait for about a minute before executing it
    bash limit_bandwidth
    • Step 3 [Full]: To reproduce a part of Figure 10, execute the following commands. This step may take approximately four to five days to complete. On completion, the cluster should be automatically shut down to save your expense.
    # starting from the exploration/ae-cluster directory
    bash batch_plan_no_pipeline.txt
    • Step 3 [Minimal]: To reproduce a minimal part of the expected result, execute the following commands. This step replicates the plain part of Figure 10(e), and the experiment may take around three hours to complete.
    # starting from the exploration/ae-cluster directory
    bash batch_plan_no_pipeline_minimal.txt
    • Step 4 [Full]: Once Step 3 [Full] completes successfully, proceed with the following fast commands to visualize the collected data. These commands should only take a few seconds to execute. You should able to replicate the plain part (meaning no pipeline acceleration) of Figure 10 with similar figures.
    # starting from the exploration/ae-cluster directory
    cd no-pipeline-time
    # after which you should replicate results similar to the 'plain' part of Figure 10
    • Step 4 [Minimal]: Once Step 3 [Minimal] completes successfully, proceed with the following fast commands to visualize the collected data. These commands should only take a few seconds to execute. You should able to replicate the plain part of Figure 10(e) with similar figures.
    # starting from the exploration/ae-cluster directory
    cd no-pipeline-time
    # after which you should replicate results similar to the plain part of Figure 10(e)

E3 [Efficiency of Pipeline Acceleration]

  • Preparation Identical to E2, before proceeding with the experiment, please ensure that you have entered the folder exploration/ae-cluster and started the cluster.

  • Execution and Expected Results

    • Step 1 [Full]: To reproduce the remaining part of Figure 10, execute the following commands. This step may take approximately three to four days to complete. The cluster will be automatically shut down after the jobs are completed.
    # starting from the exploration/ae-cluster directory
    bash batch_plan_pipeline.txt
    • Step 1 [Minimal]: To reproduce the pipe part of Figure 10(e), execute the following commands.
    # starting from the exploration/ae-cluster directory
    bash batch_plan_pipeline_minimal.txt
    • Step 2 [Full]: Process the collected data using the following commands. This step will only take several minutes to complete. After completing this step, you should generate the entire shape of Figure 10 with similar details.
    cd pipeline-time
    # after which you should replicate results similar to the ones in Figure 10
    • Step 2 [Minimal]: Process the collected data using the following commands. This step will only take several seconds to complete. After completing this step, you should generate the entire shape of Figure 10(e) with similar details.
    cd pipeline-time
    # after which you should replicate results similar to the ones in Figure 10(e)

6. Repo Structure

Repo Root
|---- dordis                           # Core implementation
|---- exploration                      # Evaluation
    |---- cluster_folder_template      # Necessities for cluster deployment
    |---- simulation_folder_template   # Necessities for single-node simulation
    |---- dev                          # Backend for experiment manager
    |---- analysis                     # Backend for resulting data processing

7. Support

If you need any help, please submit a Github issue, or contact Zhifeng Jiang via

8. License

The code included in this project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. If you wish to use the codes and models included in this project for commercial purposes, please sign this document to obtain authorization.

9. Citation

If you find this repository useful, please consider giving ⭐ and citing our paper:

  author={Jiang, Zhifeng and Wang, Wei and Ruichuan, Chen},
  title={Dordis: Efficient Federated Learning with Dropout-Resilient Differential Privacy},
  booktitle={ACM EuroSys},

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[ACM EuroSys'24] Dordis: Efficient Federated Learning with Dropout-Resilient Differential Privacy







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