An Expressive command line interface builder.
- No creation of multiple flag pointers
- Easy child/parent relashionships (sub-commands)
- Support for global flags
- easy to test
- expressive command declaration
still in early development
//create the root command
root := kli.NewCommand("cow", flag.ExitOnError)
root.Bool("eat", false, "informs the cow to eat")
root.Do(func(cmd kli.Command, _ kli.KFlag) kli.CmdError {
isEating, _ := cmd.BoolFlag("eat")
if isEating {
fmt.Println(strings.Repeat("munch ", 3))
} else {
fmt.Println("the cow stands there looking smug")
return nil
//declare the sub command
sub := kli.NewCommand("say", flag.ExitOnError)
sub.String("what", "mooooo", "what the cow will say")
sub.Int("repeat", 1, "how many time it repeats the word")
sub.Do(func(cmd kli.Command, globals kli.KFlag) kli.CmdError {
if isEating, ok := globals.BoolFlag("eat"); ok {
if isEating {
fmt.Println("munch... can't say anything, I'm eating")
return nil
what, _ := cmd.StringFlag("what")
repeat, _ := cmd.IntFlag("repeat")
for i := 1; i <= repeat; i++ {
return nil
//add the subcommand to the root command
err := root.SetChildren(sub)
if err != nil {
//create the app with the root command
app := &kli.App{}
//run the app with the context default
// the context default are the os.Args