A simple tool to simulate digital circuit using a very simple sddl language.
Run bisim ( or built executble ) in directory where order.txt is present.
specify all the files to compile here in the order you want them to be compiled. The first file compiles first.
component fulladder
signal s1,s2,s3
input a,b,cin
output s,cout
xor a,b -> s1
xor s1,cin -> s
and s1,cin -> s2
and a,b -> s3
or s2,s3 -> cout
general syntax here is <cmd-name> <args>
- component command specifies name of component. Note there can be only one component per file.
- signal s1,s2,s3 specifies the signals / wires that would be present.
- input / output specify the input and out port of the component.
<gate-name> <i1>,<i2>... -> <o0>,<o1>
is the way to specify gate io, here instead of gate-name component can also be used provided component is built earlier.
- Your final file in
must contain a dut component.
component dut
input a,b,c,d
output o1,o2,cout
2bitadder a,b,c,d -> o1,o2,cout
- Look through the example files.
- the executable most run in the same folder as order.txt.