The web app has 4 types of users, namely, Admin, Student, Staff, and Parent. And each user can have a set of roles (Ex. Admin Desk, Exam Staff), and these roles, in turn, grant the user a set of permissions. So each permission is mapped one action (for example, create admin, view students, create roles, etc.). So based upon the user's permission, the front-end dashboard is dynamically populated. The same check present on the backend as well so that the user only has access to the operations which he has permissions to access. Apart from this there is also functionalities to create/list/view and update Student, Admins, Staff and Parents.
Download the source code from the github repository.
- src/frontend : frontend code
- src/backend: backend code
- src/docs: project related docs
Backend Deployment:
Install Composer.
Create database in mysql (php-myadmin)
set the databse name, server url and password in
run :composer install
chmod -R 777 storage
chmod -R 777 bootstrap/cache
composer install --optimize-autoloader --no-dev
php artisan migrate
php artisan passport:install
php artisan sms:setup
php artisan super:admin
and set super admin details.php artisan route:cache
andphp artisan config:cache
Change your web server's document root to
Frontend deployment:
- Install
- In
run:npm install
npm run build
- Change your web server's document root to
- Install