Chilean 🇨🇱 | Videogame enjoyer 🎮 | Computer Science Enthusiast 🖥️
I like learning new things, challenges and programming. I enjoy HEMA Longsword fencing, reading/watching sci-fi and fantasy and sometimes like to write stuff but not code.
I'm currently working as Developer at Entel, so I may not be particularly active in here.
I have formal experience with:
From Henry Bootcamp:
Formal experience with at my current job:
Autodidact / Self-taught:
Formal experience with at my current job:
I am also familiar with the following tech that I either used at uni for student projects or that I've been trying out on my free time, but I'm not currently working or studying any of these:
- Languages: C, Go, x86 assembly, VHDL, Ruby
- Databases / ORM: MongoDB, SQLite
- Frameworks: Ruby on Rails, Koa.js
- Backend / DevOps: Docker, Amazon Web Services (EC2, S3, Cloudfront, Lambda), Google Cloud, Heroku, Github Actions, NGINX