Object grasping with Clearpath's dual-UR5 arm Husky using an AR tag and MoveIt! See demo: https://youtu.be/qf7TPQp0qIU
Project done for Multi-Disciplinary Group Project module for MSc in Robotics, Autonomous and Interactive Systems (Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh).
Husky Dual UR5 (Clearpath robotics) and installation of corresponding ROS packages: https://www.clearpathrobotics.com/assets/guides/husky/HuskyDualManip.html
ar_track_alvar package: https://github.com/ros-perception/ar_track_alvar
Object to grasp: used object was a 3D primet casket with a cylindrical handle.
AR tag (sticked to object): follow instructions here to download marker http://wiki.ros.org/ar_track_alvar
- Run ar_track_alvar detector
- Run MoveIt on Husky
- Run pick_place.py script