How do we know which travel destination the new user books? How do you train a classifier and evaluate using a ranking metric to suggest the top 5 countries? Which countries have almost no Airbnb bookings? Do people prefer to travel long distances, do they accept different cultural languages? I answer these questions through this project.
In order to run the assests you will need the following:
- Python 3
- Code.ipynb - Contains code for the whole analysis.
- Report.ipynb - A detailed report on the conducted analysis.
- Sessions_Features.ipynb - Construction of Features related to session data.
- Stats&EDA.ipynb - Contains statistical analysis and exploratory data analysis of the data.
- Data - the directory containing all the input csv files.
- NDCG - the directory containing the description related to Normalized discounted cumulative gain(NDCG).
- Viz - the directory containing all the vizualizations
- Sarvesh Prattipati