Evaluation of the suitability of popular blockchain designs (Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric) for personal data provenance in the domain of healthcare and finance
Collaboration between:
Institute for Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB) - Critical Information Infrastructures (CII)
Institute of Information Security and Dependability (KASTEL) - Decentralized Systems and Network Services (DSN)
2 Copys
3 Signed docs
Put everything in git
Presentation - second half of feb
Add more to abstr, disc, concl.
Venn diagrams - maybe
Finish 5.Discussion
Labels and References
Abstract - Intro - Fundamentals - Similar Work - Method - Results - Discussion
Etw. messen? - Nein
Hermeneutics - more detailed description
Search strings table
Use cases differences
Considered approaches table
Better Tables (relevant, more relevant, not relevant)
Tables in 3.1 not necessary
TikZ !
- tip - standalone package
Leave only the really necessary requirements and characteristics
Explain how the groups were formed
Use-Case-Tables: mark which sentances correspond to which requirement
Draw the links between Req-Table and Healthcare/Finance
Describe in which requirements finance and healthcare differ and which ones apply to both
Draw the links between Req-Table and Hyperledger/Ethereum
Describe which requirements Hyperledger and Ethereum fulfil
Describe only the useful DLT characteristics and properties
Think about the trade-offs
Working Definition of DP 1-2 sentences
- "The provenance of a data item includes information about the processes and sources that lead to its creation and current representation"
Try to group Requirements (CIA, Data, System)
Make bigger destinction between individual medical/financial requirements
Add references in requirements.
Medical/Financial use case: differences and similarities
- anonymity
- target of abuse
- accessibility
- avail - emergency
Hyperledger/Ethereum statements in regard to the medical/financial requirements.
Describe DP in our case
Stay away from Usage Control, Privacy, Security, anything outside of provenance
Separate requirements in important/unimportant in terms of our use case
Define Roles - Data Subject, Data Sender/Reciever, Type of Data, Transmiting priciple
Find financial literature
Finance > Social
Define Data Provenance
Formulate Requirements for Data Provenance
Formulate Requirements specificaly for medical and financial use case
Find a second use case (mobility, finance, etc.), which is the furthest from the medical use case
Determine requirements
- for medical DP tools
- for second use case DP tools
- for both
Compare/map to classic/typical privacy and security requirements
Look at as many different DLTs as possible
- private/public
- permissioned/permissionless
Mapping results from 2. to DLT characteristics and capabilities from 3.