Flexcms a open source website content management system, that allow you to create your very own blog that you can use to create and post any article that you want.
- Faldi Ramadhan (Frontend)
- Satria Aluh Perwira Nusa (Backend)
- create an .env file in the app root
- fill the attributes of the .env file with these variables, ane make sure you change the value of these variables
- |=================================================
NODE_ENV = development
PORT = 3000
PGUSER = yourPostgresUsername
PGPASSWORD = yourPostgresPassword
PGDATABASE = yourPostgresDatabase
PGPORT = 5432
TOKEN_SECRET = randomStringYouWantToPut
- |==================================================
after you create the .env file on the top, now install the app with these command
- make sure you have nodeJS already installed
- use vscode or any other IDE
- open the folder of the app
- now if you use the vscode and the app's folder already opened, write these command on the terminal
- npm install
- npm run db-create
- npm run db-migrate-up
- npm run install-views
- after all of the command on the top has been done, you can use npm run start-dev to start the app
- npm run start-prod
- express Js
- postgresql
- sequelize
- ejs
- jsonwebtoken
- joi
- dotenv
- bcrypt
- cookie-parser
- nanoid
- multer
- pg-hstore
- postcss
- tailwindcss
- autoprefixer