Author-Saurabh Puri
Technology Used
- Python 3.7.x
- An attempt to make a very simple but useful personal assistant for users .
- The interaction with the assistant gets better with the implementation of GUI for resolving user queries.
- The 2.0 version supports input using voice recognition.
- The various functionalities embedded in the system enables a user to carry out day to day tasks in a convenient way.
Make sure to install these packages before running the python project. Failure to install these libraries may effect the execution of the assistant.
1. Tkinter lib
- Implementing GUI
2. Wolframalpha Api
- Fetching information from Wolframalpha
3. Wikipedia Api
- Search about something from Wikipedia
4. speech_recognition lib
- Obtain voice input via Microphone
5. selenium lib
- Use webdriver to browse through web
6. text_to_speech lib
- Output as voice