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📱 app
📱 app
This is about the app; category: general/other
✔️ approved
✔️ approved
This issue (suggestion, bug, etc.) is been approved
🐞 bug
🐞 bug
Something isn't working
✅ closed
✅ closed
It's closed and implemented/solved correctly
✖️ closed
✖️ closed
It's closed but it isn't implemented/solved
❌ closed
❌ closed
No answer received after 10 days of "waiting status"
📚 documentation
📚 documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
🔀 duplicate
🔀 duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
✚ enhancement
✚ enhancement
New feature or request
😀 feedback
😀 feedback
🤚 gestures
🤚 gestures
This is about "gestures"
good first issue
good first issue
Good for newcomers
Accepted for the Hacktoberfest project
🆘 help wanted
🆘 help wanted
Extra attention is needed
🅰️ in alpha
🅰️ in alpha
Implemented / Fixed in alpha release
🅱️ in beta
🅱️ in beta
Implemented / Fixed in beta release
🔜 in progress
🔜 in progress
We are working on it, so it will be available soon
☑️ in stable
☑️ in stable
Implemented / Fixed in stable release
📋 in to-do list
📋 in to-do list
Feature added in the to-do list
❌ invalid
❌ invalid
This doesn't seem right
🔈 listen
🔈 listen
This is about "listen section"
📲 login
📲 login
This is about "login section"
⁉️ not categorised
⁉️ not categorised
Request not yet categorised
❔ not-reproduced
❔ not-reproduced
This error hasn't yet been reproduced
‼️ priority
‼️ priority
PRIORITY attention
❔ question
❔ question
Further information is requested
⚙️ settings
⚙️ settings
This is about "settings"
🎙️ speak
🎙️ speak
This is about "speak section"
📈 statistics
📈 statistics
This is about "statistics"
to verify
to verify
This bug need to be verified